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With a steadfast commitment to education and advocacy, FentanylSolution.org has taken significant strides in combating the devastating impact of the fentanyl crisis in our communities since our work began.

We have worked tirelessly to create practical solutions which are already making a difference. FentanylSolution.org’s reach is nationwide but we started our efforts in Orange County, where we have been instrumental in crafting the implementation plans for the distribution of naloxone and Fentanyl Test Strips (FTS).

Through our dedication, we have:

  • Tabled at events totaling over 15,000 in attendance
  • Created online awareness content currently exceeding 50k views
  • Provided over 150 Life Saving Lunch-N-Learns
  • Distributed over 5,000 doses of naloxone
  • Distributed nearly 10,000 FTS strips
  • Became a county-recognized Fixed Distribution Site
  • Created and launched the Treatment Center Fentanyl and Xylazine test pilot program

The success of this program and our track record of innovative solutions has garnered significant attention, with Be Well OC and its affiliate partners considering full-scale implementation of the testing program and Orange County leaders from city council to state senators utilizing our research and programming when crafting their fentanyl platforms.

Consider making a donation to help us continue doing the important work of eradicating fentanyl poisonings in Orange County, across the state of California, and throughout the United States.