Equipping Communities with Life-Saving Knowledge

These training sessions, which aim to educate attendees on the dangers of illicit fentanyl, how to respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer naloxone, were held at the Orange County Veteran Advisory Council (OCVAC), during their council meeting, and for the staff of the Norooz Clinic Foundation (NCF). All attendees received naloxone kits, ensuring they are prepared to act in emergency situations.

Norooz Clinic Foundation (NCF)

On April 30, 2024, we conducted a Save-a-Life training session specifically for the staff of the Norooz Clinic Foundation. This training emphasized the intersection of mental health and opioid use, recognizing the critical role that mental health professionals play in addressing the opioid crisis.

Orange County Veteran Advisory Council (OCVAC)

On May 8, 2024, during the OCVAC council meeting, we delivered a comprehensive training session tailored to the needs of veterans and their families. The training highlighted the alarming rise of fentanyl-related overdoses and provided detailed instructions on recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose. OCVAC council members were taught how to administer naloxone. Each member received a naloxone kit, empowering them to save lives within their community.

Training Highlights

The Save-a-Life trainings provided by us included several key components:

Understanding Illicit Fentanyl: 

Attendees are educated on the extreme potency and dangers of illicit fentanyl, which has been a major contributor to the opioid crisis.

* Recognizing Opioid Overdoses:

The training details the signs of an opioid overdose, such as unresponsiveness, slow or irregular breathing, and pinpoint pupils.

Administering Naloxone:

Participants receive hands-on training on how to administer naloxone, ensuring they can confidently use the medication to reverse an opioid overdose.

Distribution of Naloxone Kits:

At the end of each session, we distribute naloxone kits to all attendees, providing them with the tools needed to save lives.

Community Impact and Future Initiatives

The Save-a-Life training represents a significant step forward in addressing the fentanyl crisis in Orange County. By educating community members and providing them with naloxone kits, we are empowering individuals to take action and save lives.

We remain committed to expanding its outreach efforts, with plans to conduct additional Save-a-Life trainings across various communities. By partnering with local organizations and continuously advocating for effective solutions to the opioid epidemic, we aim to make a lasting impact in the fight against fentanyl-related overdoses.

For more information about our Save-a-Life training, please email Christine Kirkwood at christine@fentanylsolution.org.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Netflix Star Jason Cohen’s Naloxone Training Proves Lifesaving in West Hollywood Overdose Crisis

Jason Cohen utilized his recent naloxone can training to save a life during an overdose crisis, spotlighting the crucial role of community preparedness.

“Our aim is to equip individuals with the knowledge and resources to act swiftly in situations like these, saving lives one naloxone kit at a time”— Janice M. Celeste, CEO & President of FentanylSolution.org

On the evening of Sunday, October 22, a harrowing cry for help led Netflix star Jason Cohen to a life-altering intervention in West Hollywood. Known for his role in the series ‘Dated and Related,’ Cohen found himself amidst a real-life crisis when alerted to an ongoing opioid overdose. Drawing upon the naloxone training he received at a recent Fight Fentanyl event by the FentanylSolution.Org team, Cohen acted swiftly, administering naloxone and effectively saving a life before the arrival of emergency personnel.

Just two weeks prior, on October 7, Cohen attended the FentanylSolution.Org event at Craft Boxing Club, aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid. The event, in collaboration with boxing legend George Foreman III and sponsored by New Spirit Recovery, educated attendees on the use of Naloxone, an opioid antagonist used to counter the effects of opioid overdose. Cohen was among the attendees who received a pouch of naloxone and a fentanyl test kit, tools that proved to be lifesaving in the critical moments that unfolded on that Sunday evening.

Upon the arrival of paramedics, Cohen’s timely intervention was credited with saving a life, highlighting the potential life-saving impact of community awareness and preparedness surrounding opioid overdoses and the use of naloxone.

Janice M. Celeste, President of FentanylSolution.Org, reflects on the organization’s mission in light of this incident. “Our aim is to equip individuals with the knowledge and resources to act swiftly in situations like these. Jason’s story is a vivid illustration of our mission in action, saving lives one naloxone an kit at a time. Moreover, it’s vital that individuals are aware of the necessity to test substances for fentanyl to prevent such life-threatening situations. With resources like WiseBatch, where people can obtain fentanyl test strips, we can take a proactive stance in battling this crisis,” Celeste noted.

Shane Wood, Director of Development at FentanylSolution.Org, underscores the gravity of the situation through data. “The fentanyl crisis is escalating. Recent statistics indicate that 6 out of 10 counterfeit pills are laced with fentanyl. The importance of naloxone training cannot be overstated. It’s about empowering individuals with the knowledge to act promptly during opioid emergencies, which, as seen in Jason’s case, can mean the difference between life and death,” Shane said.

This incident not only sheds light on the escalating opioid crisis but also emphasizes the crucial role of organizations like FentanylSolution.Org in fostering community preparedness and education on opioid overdose interventions. Jason Cohen’s actions serve as an inspiring example of how knowledge and the right resources can go a long way in making a tangible difference in the battle against the opioid epidemic.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Joining Forces Against Fentanyl: Celebrities, Athletes, and Community Leaders Unite for a Vital Cause

The Craft Boxing Club, initially a sanctuary for fitness enthusiasts, has recently undergone a remarkable transformation. It has evolved into a significant focal point in the battle against the fentanyl crisis, an insidious synthetic opioid that surpasses heroin in potency by 50 times.

Spearheaded by the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, FentanylSolution.org, and supported by George Foreman III, the venue brought together a coalition of celebrities, athletes, and community leaders with a shared commitment to combating this lethal epidemic.

The Current Challenge

At the forefront of this event, George Foreman III, the owner of the Craft Boxing Club and the son of the legendary boxer, George Foreman, set the tone

for the gathering. He delivered a crucial message: “Fentanyl is everyone’s problem, affecting people of all

ages.” He seamlessly integrated essential education about the drug into his signature boxing class.

The Stealthy Nature of Fentanyl

Janice M. Celeste, President and CEO of FentanylSolution.org, passionately conveyed the urgency of the situation. “These are not merely harmless pills;

they are lethal traps, often unknowingly passed among friends, at social gatherings, and even within our educational institutions,” she stated.

Shane Wood, the Director of Development at FentanylSolution.org, added another critical layer to this

issue, explaining, “Alarmingly, over 75% of these deaths are purely accidental. Naloxone, an antidote for opioid overdoses, can be a lifesaver in these dire situations.”

A Rallying Cry

Erica Spiegelman, the Founder and COO of New Spirit Recovery and a key sponsor of the event, emphasized the significance of addressing the root causes of addiction. She highlighted California as ground zero for this crisis, with over 117 lives tragically lost each week due to fentanyl poisoning. Her support for the event underscored the dire need for community involvement and practical education.

NFL veterans Jarrod Bunch and Terry Robiski lent their influential voices to the cause, emphasizing the importance of collective action and community engagement in combating this crisis.

Senator Henry Stern and Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin each graciously awarded Sarah and George Foreman III, Craft Boxing Club, a Certificate of Recognition, in appreciation of their dedication to addressing the fentanyl crisis. Janice also presented a plaque on behalf of FentanylSolution.org as a token of gratitude for allowing such a powerful message to come across in such a powerful way. 

More Than Just a Boxing Class

While the attendees engaged in shadowboxing and physical exertion, the atmosphere in the room became increasingly weighty with every statistic and personal story shared. Erica Spiegelman aptly summed up the

event by saying, “We are not simply throwing punches in the air; we are fighting back against a crisis that is tearing our society apart.” The event

served as an educational platform, diligently informing attendees about the hazards of counterfeit pills, the critical importance of naloxone, and the life-saving initiatives spearheaded by FentanylSolution.org.

A Guiding Light

The “Fight Fentanyl” event stood as a testament to the power of community and collective effort. It shone as a beacon of hope, signaling that positive change is attainable when society unites against a common adversary. With influential figures like Foreman III, FentanylSolution.org, and Spiegelman leading the charge, the message was crystal clear: the battle against fentanyl is a shared responsibility, and it is a battle that we can emerge victorious from.

The Golden Globe Giveaway, Arts & Crafts for Kids, and Gourmet Charcuterie

Notably, the event featured a Golden Globe Giveaway, an arts & crafts corner for kids, and a gourmet charcuterie board sponsored by supermodel and daughter of Janice, Sessilee Lopez-Holmes, adding a touch of flair to the proceedings and underscoring the collective effort to address the fentanyl crisis.

(left) Sessilee Lopez-Holmes: Vogue cover sensation, iconic muse of Steven Meisel, redefining fashion, captured in style!

Join the Cause: Contribute Today

Your assistance can make a tangible difference in this life-saving mission. To contribute to the fight against fentanyl, we kindly urge you to consider making a donation to FentanylSolution.org. Every dollar you contribute is a vital piece of the collective puzzle in our endeavor to save lives and work towards a future free from the grasp of fentanyl’s devastation. Together, we can win this fight against fentanyl.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!