Wake Up! Newport with our President & CEO Janice Celeste as Special Guest

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Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Fentanyl FactFile: Monthly Breakdown

Fentanyl is number one on Americans’ minds. “In second place on the list of public health problems was obesity. Meanwhile, the threat of people’s access to guns faded to third place on the list, with 20% of people citing the concern, down from 26% who cited guns as a public health threat in May. Cancer trailed in fourth place, with 11% of people mentioning the disease.” — WebMD

““We’re finding that six out of every 10 pills have a deadly amount of fentanyl…It only takes two milligrams to kill somebody.” — DEA

“Drug overdose death rates were higher in 2021 than in 2020 for all age groups 25 and over.” Although the rates for seniors were lower, the percentages were higher. — CDC

Father’s Against Fentanyl Rally Calls for Action on Father’s Day, Urges California Attorney General Rob Bonta to Address Crisis

On Father’s Day, Sunday, June 16, 2023, a powerful movement unfolded in front of the California Attorney General’s office in Los Angeles, as groups from all across Southern California gathered for the Father’s Against Fentanyl rally and press conference. Led by the passionate advocate Matt Capelouto, parents and loved ones who have tragically lost family members to fentanyl poisoning came together to shed light on the devastating impact of the fentanyl crisis. Their urgent plea was directed at California Attorney General Rob Bonta, himself a father, to take decisive action in addressing the fentanyl epidemic.

Matt Capelouto speaks at his rally in front of CA Attorney General, Rob Bonta’s office in Los Angeles.

Raising Awareness and Demanding Action

The Father’s Against Fentanyl rally on Father’s Day was a poignant and symbolic event. Grieving parents and their allies stood united, sharing their personal stories of loss and emphasizing the critical need for effective measures to combat the fentanyl epidemic. Their heartfelt appeals echoed the experiences of countless families devastated by this deadly drug, magnifying the urgency for action.

FentanylSolution.org’s Support

During the rally, representatives from various news organizations attended the press conference and conducted interviews with participants. Among those sharing their insights and experiences was Shane Wood, the Director of Development at FentanylSolution.org. The organization, known for its unwavering commitment to combating the fentanyl crisis, joined Matt Capelouto and his organization DrugInducedHomicide.org, has been a leading force in raising awareness, advocating for policy changes, and supporting affected families.

Both organizations have played a crucial role in providing vital resources and information to educate communities about the dangers of fentanyl. Their websites serve as a comprehensive platform offering facts, statistics, and guidance on recognizing and responding to fentanyl-related risks. Through their initiatives, FentanylSolution.org has worked tirelessly to empower individuals and foster dialogue on this pressing issue.

Addressing the Fentanyl Crisis

The prevalence of fentanyl-related deaths has reached alarming levels in recent years, not only in Southern California but across the United States. Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is significantly more potent than heroin and morphine, poses a severe threat to public health. Its presence in illicit drug markets has led to a surge in overdose fatalities, leaving families devastated and communities in turmoil.

To effectively combat the fentanyl crisis, a comprehensive and coordinated approach is necessary. This includes increasing penalties for drug traffickers who kill with illicit fentanyl. FentanylSolution.org, along with other dedicated organizations and community activists, advocates for these measures and urges policymakers, including California Attorney General Rob Bonta, to take decisive action.

The Role of California Attorney General Rob Bonta

Rob Bonta, the California Attorney General and a father himself, holds a position of influence and responsibility in addressing the fentanyl crisis. As the state’s top law enforcement officer, he plays a vital role in shaping policies and directing resources to combat the epidemic. The Father’s Against Fentanyl rally urged Attorney General Bonta to prioritize this urgent issue, employing his authority and influence to drive meaningful change.

Additionally, Assemblywoman Mia Bonta, Rob Bonta’s wife, serves on the Assembly Public Safety Committee, which plays a crucial role in shaping legislation related to public safety, including penalties for fentanyl-related offenses. The rally participants expressed concern about the committee’s lack of progress in passing bills with penalties, highlighting the urgent need for action and collaboration across all levels of government.

FentanylSolution.org’s Development Director, Shane Wood speaks to KTLA News.

The Father’s Against Fentanyl rally on Father’s Day was a powerful demonstration of the collective determination to combat the fentanyl crisis and protect communities from the devastating consequences of this lethal drug. Led by Matt Capelouto and supported by FentanylSolution.org, grieving parents and loved ones came together, sharing their stories and intensifying the call for tangible action.

As the fight against fentanyl continues, it is crucial for organizations like FentanylSolution.org to provide essential resources, engage the public, and advocate for policy changes. Together, with the leadership of California Attorney General Rob Bonta and the collective efforts of policymakers, community activists, and affected families, we can forge a path towards a future free from the grip of this deadly epidemic.

FentanylSolution.org VIDEO: Paving the Way for a Safer Future

The fentanyl crisis has emerged as one of the most pressing public health concerns in recent years, claiming countless lives and devastating communities around the world. In the face of this alarming epidemic, organizations and initiatives that strive to combat the spread of fentanyl and raise awareness about its dangers play a crucial role. Today, we delve into FentanylSolution.org, an organization making its mark in the fentanyl space, and we explore our debut video, which serves as an introduction to our mission and vision.

Click the thumbnail to view the video on YouTube.

 Setting the Stage: The Fentanyl Crisis Unveiled

The video commences by providing an overview of the gravity of the fentanyl crisis, delving into statistics and personal stories that underscore the devastating impact this synthetic opioid has had on individuals, families, and communities. The narrative skillfully presents the urgency of the issue, setting the stage for the need for collaborative efforts to combat fentanyl-related harms.

 Meet FentanylSolution.org: An Organization with a Vision

FentanylSolution.org takes center stage as the video transitions to introduce the organization itself. The viewers are introduced to the organization that tackles the fentanyl crisis head-on. Its shared dedication to finding solutions is evident, instilling hope and optimism in viewers that progress can be made.

 Pillars of Action: The Multi-Faceted Approach

One of the strengths of FentanylSolution.org’s debut video lies in its interpretation of the organization’s multi-faceted approach to tackling the fentanyl crisis. Some of these pillars of action are:

  • Prevention and Education: The organization emphasizes the importance of spreading awareness and providing accurate information about fentanyl, its dangers, and potential risk reduction strategies. By educating both the general public and key stakeholders, FentanylSolution.org aims to empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions.
  • Policy and Advocacy: FentanylSolution.org recognizes the need for policy changes and legislative action to effectively address the fentanyl crisis. By engaging with policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and other influential stakeholders, the organization aims to advocate for evidence-based policies that prioritize saving lives, public health and access to treatment.

 Call to Action: Mobilizing Change

The debut video concludes with a powerful call to action, encouraging viewers to join the fight against the fentanyl crisis. FentanylSolution.org invites individuals to engage with the organization’s initiatives, volunteer their time or expertise, and support their advocacy efforts. By mobilizing a global community committed to making a difference, FentanylSolution.org aims to create a future free from the devastating impact of fentanyl.

Raising Fentanyl Awareness in Anaheim: Voices for Awareness and Facing Fentanyl Concert and Car Show

On Saturday, May 20th, 2023, Anaheim, California witnessed a remarkable event aimed at raising awareness about the devastating impact of fentanyl addiction. The Voices for Awareness and Facing Fentanyl Concert and Car Show, hosted by Anthony “Elvis” Beltran, brought together individuals, organizations, and communities to address the growing concern of fentanyl abuse and its life-threatening consequences. Among the passionate participants was the dedicated team from FentanylSolution.org, who actively contributed to the event’s success.

Uniting Through Music, Speakers, and Naloxone Distribution:

The event showcased a diverse range of activities that captivated attendees and created an environment of support and understanding. Live music performances by Chill Aguilar, Migs Whiskey, and Swinging Johnny added an uplifting spirit to the event, bringing people together through the power of music. Alongside the lively tunes, attendees shared their experiences and knowledge, shedding light on the harrowing realities of fentanyl addiction and its impact on individuals, families, and communities with FentanylSolution.org.

One of the critical initiatives undertaken during the event was the distribution of naloxone, a life-saving medication used to reverse opioid overdoses. Various organizations, including FentanylSolutions.org, provided naloxone kits, Kloxxado, with a unique addition – custom naloxone clip-on pouches, making access to this crucial medication even more convenient. This effort aimed to equip individuals with the means to save lives in the event of a fentanyl overdose.

Empowering Families and Sharing Stories:

The event proved to be a powerful platform for families and individuals impacted by fentanyl addiction to share their stories. Many attendees were recovering from fentanyl addictions themselves or had lost loved ones to fentanyl poisoning. The event provided them with an opportunity to voice their experiences, raising awareness about the factors that contribute to fentanyl addiction.

One significant takeaway from the event was the ease with which individuals can fall into addiction due to legitimate injuries and the subsequent challenges faced in accessing proper pain management. Issues such as discontinued prescriptions, the high cost of medication, or a loss of insurance coverage can inadvertently push individuals towards the dangerous black market, where fentanyl is increasingly prevalent. The harrowing truth is that what starts as a legitimate need for pain relief can quickly spiral into a life-threatening addiction.

Contributing to the Fight against Fentanyl:  Janice M. Celeste, the President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org and board member, Tina Burke, actively participated in raising awareness about fentanyl addiction. They engaged in interviews with DopeSick for their documentaries, lending FentanylSolution.org’s expertise and insights to highlight the urgent need for comprehensive solutions to tackle this crisis. By sharing their knowledge and experience, Celeste and Burke played an instrumental role in amplifying the voices of those affected by fentanyl addiction and working towards meaningful change.

Moving forward, it is crucial to build upon the success of this event and continue to bring organizations together as a united front to fight the war against fentanyl. By working together, organizations can raise awareness, provide support, and ultimately save lives.

California Families of Fentanyl Victims Rally to Pass Alexandra’s Law and Stop Deadly Drug Dealers

On March 23rd, 2023, Families of Fentanyl Victims and Drug Induced Homicide rallied in front of Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins’ office to push for the passage of SB 44, also known as Alexandra’s Law. Matt Capelouto, the father of Alexandra, who the bill is named after spoke about how Atkins could end the deaths from fentanyl tomorrow, if she wanted to. The bill, SB 44, in which FentanylSolution.org is an official supporter, would allow drug dealers to be admonished if caught with fentanyl; with the warning that if they continue to sell the drug and someone dies as a result, they will be charged with murder. The goal of the rally was to convince Atkins to bypass the California Public Safety Committee and bring the bill directly to the floor for elected Senators to vote on.

Footage of the rally in front of Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins’ office. Click thumbnail to play the video.

The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. California is currently the number one state for fentanyl deaths, with an average of 110 people dying every week from the drug. That’s equivalent to a 747 airplane crashing every 10 days. And it’s not just a problem in California – fentanyl is now the number one killer of 18 through 45-year-olds in the United States, surpassing COVID-19, car accidents, suicides, and cancer.

At the rally, the President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org and The Fentanyl Solution Group, Janice M. Celeste, and Board Member Tina Burke spoke to the press about the need for action. Burke shared her personal story of losing her son, Christian to fentanyl and emphasized the need for stricter penalties for drug dealers who sell deadly substances. Celeste promoted the organizations’ Poll-to-Prop initiative and upcoming Mega-Zoom Meeting on March 24th at 1 pm PDT for families of Fentanyl Victims. More information can be found on FentanylSolution.org’s Facebook page

The California Public Safety Committee has been stonewalling bills with penalties attached. There must be consequences for those who profit from selling deadly substances. The current situation with fentanyl is a prime example of this. While admonishing drug dealers may seem like a small step, it’s a necessary one in the fight to save lives. It sends a clear message that selling fentanyl is not only illegal but also potentially deadly, and that there will be consequences for those who choose to continue to profit from it.

The rally by Families of Fentanyl Victims and Drug Induced Homicide in front of Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins’ office was a much-needed call to action. The passage of SB 44, or Alexandra’s Law, would be a crucial step forward in the fight against fentanyl deaths in California and across the country. It’s time for lawmakers to recognize the severity of the fentanyl epidemic and take action to save lives.

Combatting the Fentanyl Crisis with O.C. District Attorney Todd Spitzer

The fentanyl crisis has become a pressing concern across the United States, with devastating consequences for individuals and communities. Janice M. Celeste, President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org and The Fentanyl Solution Group, is helping to lead the charge to combat this crisis. Recently, Celeste attended “Wake Up Newport,” an event hosted by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, where she met with District Attorney Todd Spitzer to discuss the fentanyl crisis in Orange County. In this meeting, Spitzer shared his plan to take Orange County cases of fentanyl poisonings and prosecute them at the federal level, where prosecutors don’t have to prove intent. This move comes as California law requires that prosecutors prove that the dealer knew there was fentanyl in the counterfeit pill to hold them accountable for the harm caused by the drug.

Watch Todd Spitzer’s talk about fentanyl in Orange County

The fentanyl crisis has been growing exponentially, with the drug being the leading cause of death for 18-45-year-olds in the U.S. Additionally, Fentanyl is the number one killer of children in Orange County, California. In California, 110 people die from fentanyl every year. Shockingly, 98 percent of pills sold on social media are fake, according to the DEA.

-In response to the fentanyl crisis, Senator Tom Umberg presented SB44, a bill with an admonishment similar to a DUI. FentanylSolution.org was an official supporter of SB44, which reads that if a drug dealer is caught with fentanyl they are read a warning that if they go out and sell fentanyl again and somebody dies, you will be prosecuted for murder.-

Unfortunately, Umberg’s bill did not make it past the California Public Safety Commission. However, The Fentanyl Solution Group is sponsoring a proposition for the Presidential ballot, which will allow the people of California to vote for stronger laws against drug dealers who kill. You can support our proposition by contacting us at 888-931-6244 and letting us know how you can get involved.

In a speech at the “Wake Up Newport” event, Spitzer warned about the proliferation of fentanyl in Orange County. He highlighted the importance of holding drug dealers accountable for the harm caused by fentanyl and spoke about the difficulty of proving intent in fentanyl-related cases. Prosecuting these cases at the federal level, where intent does not need to be proven, is a temporary way to address the issue.

Janice M. Celeste, President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org and The Fentanyl Solution Group meets with Todd Spitzer.

The fentanyl crisis is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. Celeste and FentanylSolution.org are working tirelessly to raise awareness of the dangers of fentanyl and push for stronger laws to hold drug dealers accountable for their actions.

The fentanyl crisis is a major public health issue that demands urgent attention and action. We must work together to raise awareness, improve access to addiction treatment, and hold drug dealers accountable for the harm caused by fentanyl. You can support the efforts of organizations like FentanylSolution.org and take action to combat this deadly epidemic by volunteering or donating. Signup on our website or go to the donation page here

Fentanyl Crisis: Two Views on the War on Drugs with NBC’s Conan Nolan

Janice M. Celeste, the President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org, appeared on NBC’s News Conference with Conan Nolan to discuss the fentanyl crisis and the proposed Poll-to-Prop ballot initiative. During the interview, Celeste presented her opposing views on the War on Drugs to Public Safety Committee’s Chairman, Reggie Jones-Sawyer, who has been reluctant to pass harsher penalties for drug dealers who kill with fentanyl.

Click here or on the thumbnail to view the interview.

Celeste argued that the fentanyl crisis is different from the War on Drugs, pointing out the development of the internet and social media as a key factor in the crisis. She explained how drug dealers are killing exponentially like never before in history, and how they are targeting children en masse, grooming them to become addicts by following them on social media.

In contrast, Jones-Sawyer has referred to fentanyl as the War on Drugs, but has been hesitant to pass harsher penalties for drug dealers. Celeste challenged this statement, emphasizing the urgency of the fentanyl crisis and the need for a comprehensive solution. 

Celeste’s organization has proposed the Poll-to-Prop ballot initiative, which is a ballot measure that would increase penalties for dealers who knowingly sell drugs laced with fentanyl.

Celeste discussed that fentanyl is often added to other drugs without the user’s knowledge. Celeste also emphasized that if drug dealers stalked and groomed children in-person, they would go to prison. Why is it different if they do the same actions on a computer?

The Poll-to-Prop fentanyl ballot initiative has gained support from a wide range of organizations, including law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and addiction treatment centers.

 The proposed Poll-to-Prop is a promising step towards preventing accidental poisonings and saving lives, and Celeste’s message about the need for public support cannot be emphasized enough.

Celeste urged the public to support the initiative, donate, and emphasized that it is a critical step towards addressing the fentanyl crisis and saving lives. “We need an army,” said Celeste. Every bit counts but bigger donations will get us there in time for the Presidential election. You can become a sponsor or donate by emailing at info@fentanylsolution.org or calling 888-931-6244.

FentanylSolution.org On NBC4 With Lolita Lopez

Janice M. Celeste, the President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org, has been making headlines in California for the organization’s proposed solution to the fentanyl crisis. Recently, Celeste appeared on NBC 4 News in Los Angeles with reporter Lolita Lopez to discuss the organization’s efforts to combat the crisis.

Click to play the video interview

During the interview, Celeste emphasized the importance of addressing the issue of fake pills and laced drugs, which are major contributors to unintentional overdoses and deaths. She explained that dealers often mix fentanyl with other drugs to increase their profits, and that many pills sold on the street are counterfeit and may contain lethal doses of fentanyl.

To address this problem, Celeste’s organization has proposed their Poll-to-Prop initiative. The proposition would increase penalties for dealers who knowingly sell drugs laced with fentanyl.

The proposition has received support from a wide range of organizations, including law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and addiction treatment centers. However, some critics argue that it resembles the War on Drugs, but Celeste argued that “When in history have drug dealers killed exponentially?”

Regardless of these criticisms, Celeste and FentanylSolution. org are taking a bold step in proposing a solution to the fentanyl crisis. The group is on schedule to get the initiative on the Presidential ballot and their efforts have brought much-needed attention to this urgent public health crisis.

Protect Your Corporate Workplace With Our Save-A-Life Lunch And Learns

As fentanyl poisonings continue to take a heavy toll on communities across the United States, the need for immediate and effective solutions has never been more urgent. Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, is now the number one killer of adults aged 18-45. It’s crucial for individuals and organizations to take proactive measures to protect themselves and those around them.

That’s where Kloxxado comes in. As a leading provider of naloxone sprays, Kloxxado is committed to saving lives and reducing the devastating impact of fentanyl. By providing rapid, user-friendly access to this lifesaving medication, Kloxxado empowers individuals to act as first responders and make a meaningful difference in the face of an emergency.

To support this critical mission, FentanylSolution.org is proud to partner with Kloxxado as a sponsor of our corporate Save A Life Lunch & Learns. You provide the LUNCH and we provide the LEARN! These informative and engaging sessions provide attendees with valuable insights into the illicit fentanyl crisis, as well as the skills and knowledge needed to identify the signs of an overdose and administer naloxone safely and effectively.

Led by trainers in naloxone administration and the principles of harm reduction, our Lunch & Learns are the perfect way for businesses and organizations to empower their employees and take an active role in combating the fentanyl epidemic. In addition to providing expert guidance and hands-on experience with naloxone sprays, our trainers can also provide attendees with naloxone kits to take to their workplaces and homes to use in case of a fentanyl emergency.

Ultimately, the goal of our Lunch & Learns is to give people the tools and resources they need to respond quickly and effectively to a fentanyl emergency. By providing access to lifesaving naloxone and educating individuals on its proper use, we can help reduce the risk of fatalities and make a meaningful impact on this urgent public health crisis.

If you want to make a difference and take action against the fentanyl crisis, consider signing up for one of our corporate Save A Life Lunch & Learns today. With the support of Kloxxado and our team of experienced trainers, you can help save lives and make a real difference in your community.

Contact Christine Kirkwood at Christine@FentanylSolution.org to sign up.