**🥊 FIGHT FENTANYL BENEFIT EVENT: A Knockout Event for a Life-saving Cause 🥊**
Join us for a day of power, purpose, and punches! George Foreman III and Craft Boxing Club have teamed up with FentanylSolution.org to deliver an event that packs a punch against fentanyl poisonings.


Our main event will be One-Round Smackdown with George Foreman III!
The contender that raises the most funds will go toe-to-toe in the boxing ring with George Foreman III! If you would like to donate towards a contender or become a contender, click here!


📅 **Date:** Saturday, October 7
🕘 **Time:** 9 am – 1 pm
📍 **Location:** Craft Boxing Club, 26662 Agoura Rd, Calabasas, CA 91302**Why should you attend?**
1️⃣ **Boxing Classes with a Twist:** Not only will you refine your boxing skills, but with every move and jab, you’ll be making a stand against fentanyl poisoning.
2️⃣ **Fun for the Kids:** We’ve got special classes for children, ensuring they’re not left out of the action!
3️⃣ **Arts & Crafts:** Unleash your creativity and take home more than just memories.
4️⃣ **Delicious Food:** Fuel up and feast with us!
5️⃣ **Awareness Booths:** Equip yourself with knowledge about the dangers of fentanyl and how YOU can be the solution.


Every dollar donated edges us closer to a world safer from the scourge of illicit fentanyl.

Together, let’s ensure education, awareness, and advocacy become our strongest tools in this fight.

Spread the word, invite your friends, and let’s join gloves to #FightFentanyl2023

RSVP here

Fentanyl FactFile: Monthly Breakdown

Fentanyl is number one on Americans’ minds. “In second place on the list of public health problems was obesity. Meanwhile, the threat of people’s access to guns faded to third place on the list, with 20% of people citing the concern, down from 26% who cited guns as a public health threat in May. Cancer trailed in fourth place, with 11% of people mentioning the disease.” — WebMD

““We’re finding that six out of every 10 pills have a deadly amount of fentanyl…It only takes two milligrams to kill somebody.” — DEA

“Drug overdose death rates were higher in 2021 than in 2020 for all age groups 25 and over.” Although the rates for seniors were lower, the percentages were higher. — CDC

Combatting the Fentanyl Crisis with O.C. District Attorney Todd Spitzer

The fentanyl crisis has become a pressing concern across the United States, with devastating consequences for individuals and communities. Janice M. Celeste, President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org and The Fentanyl Solution Group, is helping to lead the charge to combat this crisis. Recently, Celeste attended “Wake Up Newport,” an event hosted by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, where she met with District Attorney Todd Spitzer to discuss the fentanyl crisis in Orange County. In this meeting, Spitzer shared his plan to take Orange County cases of fentanyl poisonings and prosecute them at the federal level, where prosecutors don’t have to prove intent. This move comes as California law requires that prosecutors prove that the dealer knew there was fentanyl in the counterfeit pill to hold them accountable for the harm caused by the drug.

Watch Todd Spitzer’s talk about fentanyl in Orange County

The fentanyl crisis has been growing exponentially, with the drug being the leading cause of death for 18-45-year-olds in the U.S. Additionally, Fentanyl is the number one killer of children in Orange County, California. In California, 110 people die from fentanyl every year. Shockingly, 98 percent of pills sold on social media are fake, according to the DEA.

-In response to the fentanyl crisis, Senator Tom Umberg presented SB44, a bill with an admonishment similar to a DUI. FentanylSolution.org was an official supporter of SB44, which reads that if a drug dealer is caught with fentanyl they are read a warning that if they go out and sell fentanyl again and somebody dies, you will be prosecuted for murder.-

Unfortunately, Umberg’s bill did not make it past the California Public Safety Commission. However, The Fentanyl Solution Group is sponsoring a proposition for the Presidential ballot, which will allow the people of California to vote for stronger laws against drug dealers who kill. You can support our proposition by contacting us at 888-931-6244 and letting us know how you can get involved.

In a speech at the “Wake Up Newport” event, Spitzer warned about the proliferation of fentanyl in Orange County. He highlighted the importance of holding drug dealers accountable for the harm caused by fentanyl and spoke about the difficulty of proving intent in fentanyl-related cases. Prosecuting these cases at the federal level, where intent does not need to be proven, is a temporary way to address the issue.

Janice M. Celeste, President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org and The Fentanyl Solution Group meets with Todd Spitzer.

The fentanyl crisis is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. Celeste and FentanylSolution.org are working tirelessly to raise awareness of the dangers of fentanyl and push for stronger laws to hold drug dealers accountable for their actions.

The fentanyl crisis is a major public health issue that demands urgent attention and action. We must work together to raise awareness, improve access to addiction treatment, and hold drug dealers accountable for the harm caused by fentanyl. You can support the efforts of organizations like FentanylSolution.org and take action to combat this deadly epidemic by volunteering or donating. Signup on our website or go to the donation page here

Protect Your Corporate Workplace With Our Save-A-Life Lunch And Learns

As fentanyl poisonings continue to take a heavy toll on communities across the United States, the need for immediate and effective solutions has never been more urgent. Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, is now the number one killer of adults aged 18-45. It’s crucial for individuals and organizations to take proactive measures to protect themselves and those around them.

That’s where Kloxxado comes in. As a leading provider of naloxone sprays, Kloxxado is committed to saving lives and reducing the devastating impact of fentanyl. By providing rapid, user-friendly access to this lifesaving medication, Kloxxado empowers individuals to act as first responders and make a meaningful difference in the face of an emergency.

To support this critical mission, FentanylSolution.org is proud to partner with Kloxxado as a sponsor of our corporate Save A Life Lunch & Learns. You provide the LUNCH and we provide the LEARN! These informative and engaging sessions provide attendees with valuable insights into the illicit fentanyl crisis, as well as the skills and knowledge needed to identify the signs of an overdose and administer naloxone safely and effectively.

Led by trainers in naloxone administration and the principles of harm reduction, our Lunch & Learns are the perfect way for businesses and organizations to empower their employees and take an active role in combating the fentanyl epidemic. In addition to providing expert guidance and hands-on experience with naloxone sprays, our trainers can also provide attendees with naloxone kits to take to their workplaces and homes to use in case of a fentanyl emergency.

Ultimately, the goal of our Lunch & Learns is to give people the tools and resources they need to respond quickly and effectively to a fentanyl emergency. By providing access to lifesaving naloxone and educating individuals on its proper use, we can help reduce the risk of fatalities and make a meaningful impact on this urgent public health crisis.

If you want to make a difference and take action against the fentanyl crisis, consider signing up for one of our corporate Save A Life Lunch & Learns today. With the support of Kloxxado and our team of experienced trainers, you can help save lives and make a real difference in your community.

Contact Christine Kirkwood at Christine@FentanylSolution.org to sign up.

Janice M. Celeste Discusses New California Ballot Measure to Combat Fentanyl Crisis on the John & Ken Show

On April 24th, 2023, Janice M. Celeste, the President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org, appeared on the John & Ken Show  on iHeart Radio to discuss a new California ballot measure aimed at ending the fentanyl crisis.

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is often used medically to treat severe pain, but it is also sold illegally as a synthetic recreational drug. Fentanyl-related overdoses have skyrocketed in recent years, with the drug responsible for over 100,000 deaths in the United States in 2022.

Janice M Celeste on the John and Ken Show

Play to hear the interview in its entirety.

FentanylSolution.org aims to raise awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and to advocate for policy solutions to the crisis.

The Public Safety Committee in Sacramento refuses to pass any laws that create harsher penalties for drug users. FentanylSolution.org’s ballot measure that Celeste speaks about on the John & Ken Show is the organization’s Poll-to-Prop ballot initiative. The measure is asking 800 California voters what they want to see as far as harsher laws for drug dealers who kill users with illicit fentanyl. The first step in the ballot measure is to conduct a survey. The poll is managed by McNally Temple Associates and has a +/-3.5% margin of error. Celeste encourages you to learn more about the measure and to donate in support of it.

Celeste emphasized the importance of education in combating the fentanyl crisis. Many parents don’t know how fast and easily the drug can get into  their home. The DEA states that 6 out of 10 counterfeit drugs are laced with a potentially lethal amount of fentanyl. In less than an hour, a lethal pill laced with fentanyl, unbeknownst to your child, can be in their hands .

The fentanyl crisis is a serious and growing problem in the United States. Celeste and FentanylSolution.org are working hard to raise awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and to advocate for policy solutions to the crisis. The ballot initiative is an important step towards ending the epidemic, and it is up to us as citizens to support it and save lives.

FentanylSolution.org’s Prop Mentioned As Hope At Orange County Crime Victims’ Ceremony

The 2023 Orange County Crime Victims’ Ceremony was held in Santa Ana, California where there was a focus on fentanyl victims. The event was held to honor and remember those who have lost their lives as victims of crime. Many who attended the ceremony held photos of their lost loved ones and  those honoring fentanyl victims wore lavender ribbons.

Click photo to play the video

Matt Capelouto, whose daughter was murdered by a fentanyl dealer who sold her a counterfeit pill, spoke at the event and talked about how he wishes he didn’t have to be there. He expressed his frustration about bills getting stuck in committee in Sacramento and how the bill named after his daughter, Alexandra, aka SB44, would have passed on the house floor with 21 votes if it weren’t for partisan politics. He also announced FentanylSolution.org’s Poll-to-Prop initiative, which aims to take the vote to the people if legislators in Sacramento won’t do their job. Click the link here to view the video – https://youtube.com/shorts/wCycXyjau44.

Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that has become a significant public health concern in recent years. Its impact has been devastating, leading to countless deaths and causing immeasurable pain to families and communities. The Orange County Crime Victims’ Ceremony serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing crime at large, including fentanyl, and the need for policy changes to prevent further harm.

FentanylSolution.org is an organization that is working to fight against the Fentanyl crisis. Through education, awareness, and advocacy, they hope to increase understanding of the dangers of Fentanyl and promote policy changes that focus on harm reduction and prevention. Our $2.2 million Poll-to-Prop ballot initiatives would give drug dealers longer prison sentences for murdering people with fentanyl. To donate to this initiative, email info@FentanylSolution.org for more information.

Fox 5 News: How FentanylSolution.org Is Fighting The Fentanyl Crisis

In a recent interview with Fox 5 San Diego, Janice M. Celeste, the President and CEO of FentanylSolution.org, discusses the ongoing fentanyl crisis and the steps we are taking to fight against it. Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, has become a growing concern in recent years due to its devastating impact on public health.

Click the photo above to play the clip

Janice begins by explaining that fentanyl is a significant concern in California and in the United States, where drug overdose rates have been on the rise. She continues to explain that fentanyl has become so prevalent in illicit drug markets that many people are unknowingly consuming it.

Janice further elaborates on the dangers of fentanyl and how it has become a threat to public health. She explains that fentanyl is often mixed with other drugs, making it difficult for people to know what they are consuming.

To combat the fentanyl crisis, Janice and her organization, FentanylSolution.org, take a multi-faceted approach that involves education, awareness, and advocacy. She highlights the need to educate people about the risks of fentanyl and the dangers of consuming drugs from unknown sources. 

In addition to education and awareness, Janice and her organization advocate for policy changes to tackle the fentanyl crisis. FentanylSolution.org has a ballot measure in process that imposes stricter penalties for drug dealers who kill users with fentanyl.

The fentanyl crisis is a significant concern for public health, and Janice and FentanylSolution.org, are working hard to fight against it. Through education, awareness, and advocacy, we hope to increase understanding of the dangers of fentanyl and promote policy changes. By working together, we can combat the fentanyl crisis and protect our communities from its devastating impact.

You can watch the news clip in its entirety here – https://youtu.be/qgy0y7LJxkM.

FentanylSolution.org Launches $2.2 Million Poll-to-Prop Initiative to Combat Fentanyl Epidemic in California

Fentanyl is a highly potent synthetic opioid that has caused immense harm to communities across the United States, including California. The drug, which is up to 100 times more potent than morphine, has been linked to a sharp increase in overdose deaths in recent years, leading to calls for harsher penalties for drug dealers who sell the substance.

FentanylSolution.org, a leading advocacy group committed to raising awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and advocating for stricter penalties for drug dealers who sell the substance, is proud to announce the launch of its $2.2 million Poll-to-Prop initiative.

The initiative seeks to gather public opinion about the need for stricter penalties for drug dealers who sell fentanyl and murder their customers. The results of the poll will be used to draft a statewide proposition that will be put on the ballot for the next presidential election. FentanylSolution.org has partnered with McNally Temple Associates to conduct the poll and gather data that will be used to shape the proposition.

The Poll-to-Prop initiative is a response to the lack of progress of legislative bills aimed at enforcing severe penalties for drug dealers who sell fentanyl and harm their customers. Despite repeated efforts, these bills have failed to pass the Public Safety Committee, prompting FentanylSolution.org to take the initiative and work towards bringing this issue directly to the public through a proposed proposition on the ballot.

“We believe that drug dealers who sell fentanyl and murder their customers must be held accountable for their actions,” said Janice M. Celeste, President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org. “The Poll-to-Prop initiative is a crucial step in our efforts to raise awareness about the need for stricter penalties for these criminals.”

The $2.2 million initiative marks a significant investment in the fight against fentanyl and represents a major commitment by FentanylSolution.org to its mission of creating safer communities across California. The organization is committed to bringing the proposition to the ballot in the next presidential election and ensuring that the voices of Californians are heard on this important issue.

FentanylSolution.org is dedicated to creating awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and advocating for the development of effective policies that can help combat the opioid epidemic in California. The organization works closely with law enforcement, public health officials, and community leaders to raise awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and provide support to individuals and families affected by the epidemic.

By launching the $2.2 million Poll-to-Prop initiative, FentanylSolution.org is taking a major step forward in the fight against the fentanyl epidemic in California. The organization’s commitment to gathering public opinion and shaping policy that reflects the needs and concerns of Californians is crucial in the ongoing effort to combat the opioid crisis. As we move forward, it is important that we continue to support organizations like FentanylSolution.org that are working tirelessly to create safer communities and combat the devastating effects of the opioid epidemic.

Be sure to sign up to be Friends of FentanylSolution.org to stay up-to-date about the Poll-to-Prop initiative.

Coolio’s Cause of Death Revealed as Fentanyl Overdose: Latest Victim of Opioid Epidemic

Grammy Award-winning rapper, Coolio’s cause of death has been revealed as a fentanyl overdose, according to a recent report by CNN and The New York Times. The rapper, whose real name is Artis Leon Ivey Jr., passed away on September 28, 2022, at the age of 59.


© Alex Valentovich / New Fury Media / Riot Fest Chicago 2022


The New York Times reported that Coolio had tested positive for fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin, 100 times more potent than morphine (CDC) and has been responsible for a surge in overdose deaths in recent years. The amount of fentanyl detected in Coolio’s system was small, but it was determined to be the cause of death, along with coronary artery disease.

Coolio rose to fame in the 90s with hits such as “Gangsta’s Paradise,” which won a Grammy for Best Rap Performance in 1996. He was also known for his appearances on reality shows such as “Celebrity Big Brother” and “Wife Swap.” His death was met with an outpouring of condolences from fans and fellow artists.

(Source: Instagram @coolio)

So many families including Coolio’s have suffered the loss of their loved ones. The revelation of Coolio’s fentanyl overdose highlights the ongoing opioid epidemic in the United States, where thousands of people die every year due to opioid-related overdoses (CDC).

Fountain Valley Officials Applaud Naloxone Program at Area Schools

At the first Fountain Valley mayor’s breakfast of the year, held on March 30 at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital in Orange County, California, several local issues were discussed, including a recently established drug program in schools. The program, which was initiated last November, aims to prevent overdoses in youth by placing drug stations with naloxone, a nasal spray that can reverse the effects of opioids, in schools. The program comes in response to the growing number of children overdosing on fentanyl across the state and country.

Why is this program important?

The opioid crisis has become a major concern in many communities, and youth are particularly vulnerable to its effects. Illicit drugs laced with fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, are increasingly being sold to unsuspecting youth, often through social media platforms. This has led to a rise in overdoses among young people, including in schools. The drug program in Fountain Valley schools aims to address this issue and provide a timely response to overdoses, potentially saving lives.

What does the program involve?

The program involves placing naloxone stations in each elementary school, middle school, and high school in the Fountain Valley area. These stations are equipped with naloxone, a medication that can quickly reverse the effects of opioids and prevent overdose deaths. The naloxone is administered through a nasal spray, making it easy to use by school staff or other trained personnel in case of an emergency. The program was initiated by the Fountain Valley Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services teams, in collaboration with city officials.

Success of the program

Since its implementation, the program has already proven successful in saving a student’s life. In January, a student at Ocean High School who had taken an unknown substance bought off the street that was laced with fentanyl was administered naloxone by a teacher, according to Fountain Valley Fire Department Chief Bill McQuaid. The timely treatment with naloxone, also known as Narcan, saved her life, highlighting the importance of having naloxone stations in schools.


Why is this program necessary?

Lauren Lee, a former emergency room nurse who developed the plan for the school stations and currently serves as the Emergency Medical Services manager for the city fire department, emphasizes the importance of the program for student safety. She notes that a growing number of kids, including those in elementary school and older, are buying illicit drugs from dealers on social media sites, often through platforms like Snapchat. These drugs are sometimes misrepresented as harmless, such as marijuana gummies, when in fact they are laced with dangerous opioids like fentanyl. The presence of naloxone stations in schools can provide a crucial intervention in case of an overdose, potentially saving lives.

In conclusion, the drug program implemented in Fountain Valley schools to prevent overdoses in youth is a timely and important initiative. With the opioid crisis affecting communities across the country, it’s crucial to have measures in place to address the growing number of overdoses, including among young people. The presence of naloxone stations in schools can provide a lifeline in case of an overdose, potentially saving lives and protecting the well-being of students. As the program continues to be implemented and expanded, it is hoped that the need for naloxone stations in schools will decrease in the future, reflecting a reduction in overdoses and improved awareness about the dangers of opioids among youth. In the meantime, the program serves as a valuable resource to protect the health and safety of students in Fountain Valley schools. So far, the program has already demonstrated success in saving lives, and its continued implementation and expansion are critical in addressing the ongoing opioid crisis and protecting our youth.