Equipping Communities with Life-Saving Knowledge

These training sessions, which aim to educate attendees on the dangers of illicit fentanyl, how to respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer naloxone, were held at the Orange County Veteran Advisory Council (OCVAC), during their council meeting, and for the staff of the Norooz Clinic Foundation (NCF). All attendees received naloxone kits, ensuring they are prepared to act in emergency situations.

Norooz Clinic Foundation (NCF)

On April 30, 2024, we conducted a Save-a-Life training session specifically for the staff of the Norooz Clinic Foundation. This training emphasized the intersection of mental health and opioid use, recognizing the critical role that mental health professionals play in addressing the opioid crisis.

Orange County Veteran Advisory Council (OCVAC)

On May 8, 2024, during the OCVAC council meeting, we delivered a comprehensive training session tailored to the needs of veterans and their families. The training highlighted the alarming rise of fentanyl-related overdoses and provided detailed instructions on recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose. OCVAC council members were taught how to administer naloxone. Each member received a naloxone kit, empowering them to save lives within their community.

Training Highlights

The Save-a-Life trainings provided by us included several key components:

Understanding Illicit Fentanyl: 

Attendees are educated on the extreme potency and dangers of illicit fentanyl, which has been a major contributor to the opioid crisis.

* Recognizing Opioid Overdoses:

The training details the signs of an opioid overdose, such as unresponsiveness, slow or irregular breathing, and pinpoint pupils.

Administering Naloxone:

Participants receive hands-on training on how to administer naloxone, ensuring they can confidently use the medication to reverse an opioid overdose.

Distribution of Naloxone Kits:

At the end of each session, we distribute naloxone kits to all attendees, providing them with the tools needed to save lives.

Community Impact and Future Initiatives

The Save-a-Life training represents a significant step forward in addressing the fentanyl crisis in Orange County. By educating community members and providing them with naloxone kits, we are empowering individuals to take action and save lives.

We remain committed to expanding its outreach efforts, with plans to conduct additional Save-a-Life trainings across various communities. By partnering with local organizations and continuously advocating for effective solutions to the opioid epidemic, we aim to make a lasting impact in the fight against fentanyl-related overdoses.

For more information about our Save-a-Life training, please email Christine Kirkwood at christine@fentanylsolution.org.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Coming Together with OC Supervisor Katrina Foley Combating the Fentanyl Crisis Through Community Outreach

We provided free naloxone and fentanyl test strips at two pivotal community events led by Supervisor Katrina Foley. These initiatives aimed to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to prevent fentanyl-related deaths in Orange County.

Fentanyl Town Hall at Orange Coast College (OCC)

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, Supervisor Katrina Foley collaborated with the Costa Mesa Police Department and the OC Health Care Agency to host a fentanyl town hall for OCC college students. This event provided an invaluable opportunity for students to learn about the dangers of fentanyl and effective prevention strategies.

The town hall featured presentations from experts who discussed the impact of fentanyl in the community, shared real-life stories, and provided crucial information on how to recognize and respond to an overdose. One of the highlights of the event was the distribution of naloxone, a life-saving opioid overdose reversal drug. Attendees received hands-on training on how to administer naloxone, ensuring they were equipped to save lives in emergency situations.

Additionally, we distributed fentanyl test strips to help students identify the presence of fentanyl in substances, further empowering them to make safer choices. The event underscored the importance of education and proactive measures in addressing the fentanyl crisis, leaving attendees better informed and prepared.

Spanish-Speaking Fentanyl Town Hall in Aliso Viejo

Recognizing the diverse needs of the community, we also participated in a fentanyl town hall specifically designed for Spanish-speaking individuals. This event, held in partnership with Supervisor Katrina Foley, the City of Aliso Viejo, Aliso Viejo’s Sheriff’s Department, and the OC Health Care Agency, aimed to extend outreach and resources to a broader audience.

During the town hall, attendees received critical information on fentanyl prevention and resources available in the community. Experts provided facts about the opioid crisis, shared prevention tips, and offered practical advice on how to protect oneself and loved ones from fentanyl exposure. The event emphasized the importance of community involvement and collective action in combating the fentanyl epidemic.

Our resource booth at this event provided free naloxone and fentanyl test strips, along with instructions on their proper use. This initiative was particularly significant as it addressed language barriers and ensured that Spanish-speaking individuals had access to essential life-saving tools and information.

Empowering the Community Through Education and Resources

We remain committed to its mission of combating the fentanyl crisis through continuous education and advocacy efforts. By providing free naloxone, fentanyl test strips, and training at these town halls, we empower individuals to take proactive steps in preventing overdoses and saving lives. These events exemplify the organization’s dedication to making a tangible impact in the community and fostering a safer, more informed society. Together, we can make a difference and combat the fentanyl crisis in Orange County and beyond.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Making a Difference Through Community Engagement

Recently, we had the privilege of attending and/or hosting resource tables at several significant events, spreading awareness, providing valuable information to the public and distributing naloxone and fentanyl test strips. Here’s a look at our involvement and its impact on the community.

Newport Beach Police Appreciation Luncheon

On April 26, 2024, we participated in the 51st Annual Newport Beach Police Appreciation Luncheon, hosted by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce at the PENDRY.

Featuring special guest emcee Keith Morrison from NBC’s Dateline, the event provided a wonderful opportunity to connect with law enforcement and the community, demonstrating our support for those who risk their lives to keep our community safe.

Blossoming Together Event

On April 13, 2024, we were part of the Orange County Blossoming Together event in Irvine. This vibrant celebration of cultural diversity and wellness, organized by the OC Health Care Agency’s Office of Wellness and Suicide Prevention in partnership with nonprofit organizations, aimed to support veterans, the LGBTQ+ community, and individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. By participating, we highlighted the intersection of mental health and substance abuse, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to wellbeing.

By hosting a resource table, we provided educational materials and support resources to attendees, raising awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and the importance of prevention. The community’s response was overwhelmingly positive, reinforcing the impact of combining advocacy with popular community events.

2024 Supplier Outreach Event

On May 16, 2024, we hosted a resource table at the 2024 Supplier Outreach event in Fountain Valley. This event connected local businesses with government projects, offering a platform to showcase products and services. Our presence allowed us to engage with local business leaders and highlight the critical issue of fentanyl in our community. By fostering these connections, we aim to integrate our advocacy efforts into broader community and business initiatives, enhancing collective action against the fentanyl crisis.

National Fentanyl Awareness Day at Angel’s Game

We observed National Fentanyl Awareness Day on May 9, 2024, by organizing a special event that brought together families, organizations, and community members to cheer for the Angels baseball team.

This event held deep and special significance, as it was dedicated to honoring the memories of all victims and to the memory of Tyler Skaggs, an Angels pitcher who tragically died from fentanyl poisoning. Our event not only provided an opportunity for the community to unite in support of the Angels but also to reflect on the importance of education, prevention, and advocacy in the fight against fentanyl.

Mission Viejo Pride Event

On Saturday, June 8, 2024, we proudly hosted a resource table at the Mission Viejo Pride Event, held at the World Cup Soccer Field. Organized by Mission Viejo’s Diversity + Inclusion Task Force and Saddleback College’s Rainbow Collective, this free event aimed to show LGBTQI+ families that our community is safe, welcoming, and values diversity and inclusivity.

We provided valuable information on fentanyl awareness, prevention, naloxone, and fentanyl test strips, engaging attendees with educational materials and support resources. By connecting with the community, we continue to make a positive impact on public health and safety.

Our Impact and Dedication

At each of these events, our team worked diligently to provide essential resources, raise awareness, and foster community connections. Our efforts are driven by a commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by the fentanyl crisis. By participating in these diverse events, we are able to reach a wide audience, educate the public, and advocate for effective policies.

The impact of our work is evident in the increased awareness and engagement we have seen within the community. Families, businesses, and individuals are becoming more informed about the dangers of fentanyl and the steps they can take to protect themselves and their loved ones. Our resource tables serve as a vital touchpoint for those seeking information and support, reinforcing the importance of education and advocacy in combating the fentanyl crisis.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Efforts to Combat Opioid Crisis at Orange County Events

In an earnest endeavor to combat the burgeoning opioid crisis plaguing Orange County, we hosted resource booths and provided essential tools and education at two significant events: “Addressing Opioid Crisis in Orange County” and “Addressing Public Safety in Orange County.”

Addressing Opioid Crisis in Orange County:

On January 29, 2024, Sonora Elementary School served as the backdrop for a crucial gathering of community leaders, law enforcement officials, and concerned citizens, convened under the leadership of Supervisor Katrina Foley, Costa Mesa Mayor John Stephens, and Costa Mesa Police Chief Ronald Lawrence. This event, which also drew sponsorship from OC Public Works, Newport-Mesa Unified School District, and OC Health Care Agency, aimed to confront the dire implications of the opioid crisis and strategize on effective interventions.

Central to our presence at the event was the provision of life-saving resources, including Narcan and Kloxxado nasal sprays, which can reverse opioid overdoses and potentially save lives. Additionally, FentanylSolution.org distributed fentanyl test strips, empowering individuals to detect the presence of the potent synthetic opioid in substances and prevent accidental overdoses.

Addressing Public Safety in Orange County:

Continuing its impactful engagement, FentanylSolution.org extended its reach to the “Addressing Public Safety in Orange County” event held on January 30, 2024, at Ladera Ranch Middle School. Led by Orange County Supervisor District 5, Katrina Foley, alongside Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes, and Capistrano Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Christopher Brown, the event prioritized proactive measures to enhance community safety.

While the discussions at this event encompassed a broader spectrum of public safety concerns, such as crime prevention strategies, we remained steadfast in its commitment to addressing the opioid crisis. Through its resource booth, the organization continued to provide essential naloxone kits, fentanyl test strips, and educational materials, ensuring that attendees remained informed and empowered to take action.

Our participation at both events underscored the organization’s pivotal role in mobilizing community responses to the opioid crisis. By fostering partnerships with local stakeholders and delivering tangible resources and education, we exemplified a proactive approach to tackling one of the most pressing public health challenges of our time.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

We Take the Lead: Resource Tables Across Multiple Events for a Safer Tomorrow

Buena Park’s 67th Annual Silverado Days

At the heart of the vibrant Annual Silverado Days, a free-spirited celebration awaited families with delectable food, engaging contests, lively entertainment, thrilling games, and carnival rides. The entire community came together for three days of pure enjoyment. Amidst this festive atmosphere, our organization made a meaningful impact by showing their unwavering support to Buena Park.

Through our presence at the festival, our organization actively contributed to the community spirit, emphasizing the importance of collective well-being. In joining the festivities, we emphasized our commitment to fostering a safe and joyful environment for all.

Community Health & Resource Fair brought to you by Senator Tom Umberg and City Councilmember Ahmad Zahra

At our resource booth, our organization provided essential information and resources aimed at raising awareness about the fentanyl crisis and promoting community well-being. Engaging with attendees, we emphasized the significance of recognizing and addressing the challenges posed by illicit substances.

The event, spearheaded by influential Buena Park community leaders, served as a dynamic platform for fostering health consciousness and building connections within the community. Our active participation underscored our commitment to proactive initiatives that contribute to a healthier and more informed society.

Addressing the Fentanyl Crisis with Sen. Blakespear, DA of OC Todd Spitzer and Mayor of Mission Viejo Goodell

We took a proactive stance in addressing the fentanyl crisis by hosting a booth at the event featuring prominent figures such as Senator Catherine Blakespear, District Attorney of Orange County Todd Spitzer, and Mayor of Mission Viejo Brian Goodell.

At our booth, we engaged with attendees, providing crucial information and resources on recognizing and combatting the challenges posed by illicit fentanyl.

Our participation alongside influential leaders highlighted our organization’s dedication to fostering a united front against the fentanyl crisis in collaboration with key stakeholders in the community.

Our participation at these events actively promoted awareness about the fentanyl crisis and emphasized the importance of collective health. Our dedication, highlighted by active engagement and collaboration with influential leaders, reflects our ongoing commitment to proactive initiatives. Together, we strive to create a safer, healthier, and more informed society for the entire community.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

November Wake Up! Newport – The Silent Tide…The Economic Impact of Fentanyl in Newport Beach

In a noteworthy initiative to address the pressing issue of the fentanyl crisis, the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce recently hosted Janice M. Celeste, the President and former CEO of our organization, as a keynote speaker at their renowned event, Wake Up! Newport. Her presentation focused on the severe impact of illicit fentanyl on the local community.

She delved into the alarming statistics, emphasizing the rising number of fentanyl-related incidents and the profound consequences it has on individuals and families. By addressing the grim reality of the crisis, Janice aimed to create awareness and inspire action within the Newport Beach community.

A crucial aspect of Janice’s presentation was the introduction of naloxone and its role in mitigating the consequences of a fentanyl overdose. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a medication that can rapidly reverse opioid overdoses.

Janice highlighted the importance of making naloxone readily available to the community and provided information on how individuals can obtain and administer this life-saving medication as our organization is a county recognized Naloxone Distribution Site. Please reach out to christine@fentanylsolution.org for free naloxone.

Janice M. Celeste passionately advocated for the inclusion of naloxone in first aid kits at home and in vehicles, emphasizing that being prepared can make a significant difference in saving lives. She informed the audience that her organization offers naloxone training to empower community members with the skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively in emergency situations

Beyond naloxone, we advocate for the efficacy of harm reduction tools in saving lives. We have collaborated with the CEO of a local Orange County fentanyl test strip manufacturing company called Wisebatch, Bryce Batcheller, to provide access to these essential tools.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Free Fentanyl-Related Community Reference Aid Resources

The opioid crisis has taken a devastating toll on communities across the United States, and Southern California is no exception. To combat the rising threat of fentanyl-related overdoses, the Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC), in partnership with the Overdose Response Strategy (ORS), has undertaken a comprehensive landscape analysis.

This analysis spans seven counties in Southern California, including Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura County.

The Goal? 

To identify and provide access to free services for those in need of fentanyl test strips, naloxone, and prevention/treatment services. 

The Need for Action

The opioid crisis has grown increasingly dire in recent years, with fentanyl emerging as a particularly lethal component of this epidemic. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, making it a significant contributor to opioid-related overdoses. To address this crisis, it is imperative to provide resources and support to those at risk and their communities.

The Landscape Analysis

The landscape analysis is a pioneering effort to map out the availability of free services related to fentanyl across Southern California. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between individuals in need and the essential resources required for their safety and recovery. The seven counties covered by the analysis represent a substantial portion of the region’s population, making this endeavor all the more significant.

Accessible Resources

Recognizing the diversity of the Southern California population, the JRIC and ORS have gone the extra mile by providing resources in both English and Spanish. This inclusivity ensures that language barriers do not hinder individuals from accessing life-saving assistance. Whether you speak English or Spanish, these resources are readily available to you, reaffirming the commitment to leaving no one behind in the battle against opioid addiction. By clicking on a specific county and version, users can access a one-page list of free fentanyl resources. 

English Version
Spanish Version

English Version
Spanish Version

English Version
Spanish Version

English Version
Spanish Version

English Version
Spanish Version

English Version
Spanish Version

English Version
Spanish Version

The opioid crisis is an ever-evolving challenge. These resources will be updated every six months. This commitment to ongoing improvement ensures that individuals and organizations can rely on accurate and up-to-date information when assisting those in need. 

Sharing the Lifeline

By identifying and sharing these resources, we empower individuals and organizations to take action, save lives, and build healthier communities. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against fentanyl poisonings.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Forever Angels Dedication

To begin October Drug Awareness Month, FentanylSolution.org will post a dedication video to the loved ones lost to

fentanyl poisoning, our ‘Forever Angels’ on all social media platforms. We encourage anyone who would like an angel included in this video to submit their dedication to the form below.

Submissions must be received no later than 5:00pm September 22, 2023 to be guaranteed inclusion in the video. We will do our best to process late submissions,

but any submission after the deadline may not be able to be included in the video. We will also play the video at our Fight Fentanyl event on October 7, 2023. You do not have to be in attendance at the Fight Fentanyl event to submit for the Forever Angels Dedication–although

we encourage as many of you as we can to attend. For those interested in having their Forever Angel on a banner at our fall events in addition to the video, you can make a donation in their honor and specify your desire to have them included on the banner. This banner will be present at all official Fentanyl Solution events through 2023.

Banner Dedication

Please click the link below and choose Tribute Dedication. You can put the name of your Forever Angel write “Banner Dedication”.


Please reach out to shane@fentanylsolution.org

How To Keep Teens Safe on Social Media

In this episode, President of the Alexander Neville Foundation (ANF) and mother of Alexander, Amy Neville speaks about the tragic death of her son due to fentanyl poisoning in an oxycodone pill. Neville talked about how her son was groomed by a dealer on social media 

“Snapchat is the largest open-air drug market and what it does is it takes a very dark thing that used to happen in dark scary places and bringing it to light. There is a drug dealer in our kids pocket on their phone 24/7,” Neville said.

Snapchat who pretended to be his friend and sold him drugs. Both Janice and Amy urged kids to not believe

“They [Drug Dealers] tell them [kids] how cool they are, how fun they are, how smart they are, and how they seem to have a lot of clout with friends,” Neville said.

these drugs dealers are their friend and instead stay away from Snapchat because many dealers take advantage of the fact that

messages disappear after 24 hours. Amy Neville asks listeners to discuss this topic which is causing so many tragedies throughout the country and support the cause of stopping the Fentanyl Crisis.

“I went to his room to wake him up, and he [Alexander] was gone,” Neville said.

Watch podcast here!

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Orange County