Protect Your Corporate Workplace With Our Save-A-Life Lunch And Learns

As fentanyl poisonings continue to take a heavy toll on communities across the United States, the need for immediate and effective solutions has never been more urgent. Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, is now the number one killer of adults aged 18-45. It’s crucial for individuals and organizations to take proactive measures to protect themselves and those around them.

That’s where Kloxxado comes in. As a leading provider of naloxone sprays, Kloxxado is committed to saving lives and reducing the devastating impact of fentanyl. By providing rapid, user-friendly access to this lifesaving medication, Kloxxado empowers individuals to act as first responders and make a meaningful difference in the face of an emergency.

To support this critical mission, is proud to partner with Kloxxado as a sponsor of our corporate Save A Life Lunch & Learns. You provide the LUNCH and we provide the LEARN! These informative and engaging sessions provide attendees with valuable insights into the illicit fentanyl crisis, as well as the skills and knowledge needed to identify the signs of an overdose and administer naloxone safely and effectively.

Led by trainers in naloxone administration and the principles of harm reduction, our Lunch & Learns are the perfect way for businesses and organizations to empower their employees and take an active role in combating the fentanyl epidemic. In addition to providing expert guidance and hands-on experience with naloxone sprays, our trainers can also provide attendees with naloxone kits to take to their workplaces and homes to use in case of a fentanyl emergency.

Ultimately, the goal of our Lunch & Learns is to give people the tools and resources they need to respond quickly and effectively to a fentanyl emergency. By providing access to lifesaving naloxone and educating individuals on its proper use, we can help reduce the risk of fatalities and make a meaningful impact on this urgent public health crisis.

If you want to make a difference and take action against the fentanyl crisis, consider signing up for one of our corporate Save A Life Lunch & Learns today. With the support of Kloxxado and our team of experienced trainers, you can help save lives and make a real difference in your community.

Contact Christine Kirkwood at to sign up.

Fentanyl Crisis: Two Views on the War on Drugs with NBC’s Conan Nolan

Janice M. Celeste, the President & CEO of, appeared on NBC’s News Conference with Conan Nolan to discuss the fentanyl crisis and the proposed Poll-to-Prop ballot initiative. During the interview, Celeste presented her opposing views on the War on Drugs to Public Safety Committee’s Chairman, Reggie Jones-Sawyer, who has been reluctant to pass harsher penalties for drug dealers who kill with fentanyl.

Click here or on the thumbnail to view the interview.

Celeste argued that the fentanyl crisis is different from the War on Drugs, pointing out the development of the internet and social media as a key factor in the crisis. She explained how drug dealers are killing exponentially like never before in history, and how they are targeting children en masse, grooming them to become addicts by following them on social media.

In contrast, Jones-Sawyer has referred to fentanyl as the War on Drugs, but has been hesitant to pass harsher penalties for drug dealers. Celeste challenged this statement, emphasizing the urgency of the fentanyl crisis and the need for a comprehensive solution. 

Celeste’s organization has proposed the Poll-to-Prop ballot initiative, which is a ballot measure that would increase penalties for dealers who knowingly sell drugs laced with fentanyl.

Celeste discussed that fentanyl is often added to other drugs without the user’s knowledge. Celeste also emphasized that if drug dealers stalked and groomed children in-person, they would go to prison. Why is it different if they do the same actions on a computer?

The Poll-to-Prop fentanyl ballot initiative has gained support from a wide range of organizations, including law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and addiction treatment centers.

 The proposed Poll-to-Prop is a promising step towards preventing accidental poisonings and saving lives, and Celeste’s message about the need for public support cannot be emphasized enough.

Celeste urged the public to support the initiative, donate, and emphasized that it is a critical step towards addressing the fentanyl crisis and saving lives. “We need an army,” said Celeste. Every bit counts but bigger donations will get us there in time for the Presidential election. You can become a sponsor or donate by emailing at or calling 888-931-6244.

Combatting the Fentanyl Crisis with O.C. District Attorney Todd Spitzer

The fentanyl crisis has become a pressing concern across the United States, with devastating consequences for individuals and communities. Janice M. Celeste, President & CEO of and The Fentanyl Solution Group, is helping to lead the charge to combat this crisis. Recently, Celeste attended “Wake Up Newport,” an event hosted by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, where she met with District Attorney Todd Spitzer to discuss the fentanyl crisis in Orange County. In this meeting, Spitzer shared his plan to take Orange County cases of fentanyl poisonings and prosecute them at the federal level, where prosecutors don’t have to prove intent. This move comes as California law requires that prosecutors prove that the dealer knew there was fentanyl in the counterfeit pill to hold them accountable for the harm caused by the drug.

Watch Todd Spitzer’s talk about fentanyl in Orange County

The fentanyl crisis has been growing exponentially, with the drug being the leading cause of death for 18-45-year-olds in the U.S. Additionally, Fentanyl is the number one killer of children in Orange County, California. In California, 110 people die from fentanyl every year. Shockingly, 98 percent of pills sold on social media are fake, according to the DEA.

-In response to the fentanyl crisis, Senator Tom Umberg presented SB44, a bill with an admonishment similar to a DUI. was an official supporter of SB44, which reads that if a drug dealer is caught with fentanyl they are read a warning that if they go out and sell fentanyl again and somebody dies, you will be prosecuted for murder.-

Unfortunately, Umberg’s bill did not make it past the California Public Safety Commission. However, The Fentanyl Solution Group is sponsoring a proposition for the Presidential ballot, which will allow the people of California to vote for stronger laws against drug dealers who kill. You can support our proposition by contacting us at 888-931-6244 and letting us know how you can get involved.

In a speech at the “Wake Up Newport” event, Spitzer warned about the proliferation of fentanyl in Orange County. He highlighted the importance of holding drug dealers accountable for the harm caused by fentanyl and spoke about the difficulty of proving intent in fentanyl-related cases. Prosecuting these cases at the federal level, where intent does not need to be proven, is a temporary way to address the issue.

Janice M. Celeste, President & CEO of and The Fentanyl Solution Group meets with Todd Spitzer.

The fentanyl crisis is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. Celeste and are working tirelessly to raise awareness of the dangers of fentanyl and push for stronger laws to hold drug dealers accountable for their actions.

The fentanyl crisis is a major public health issue that demands urgent attention and action. We must work together to raise awareness, improve access to addiction treatment, and hold drug dealers accountable for the harm caused by fentanyl. You can support the efforts of organizations like and take action to combat this deadly epidemic by volunteering or donating. Signup on our website or go to the donation page here

Meet our Board Members!


Janice M. Celeste

President & CEO

Janice M. Celeste has focused her professional experience on startups and communications. She supported parents dealing with substance addiction to ensure their children’s successful development while at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Center.

Sen. Pat Bates


Patricia Bates retired from the 36th Senate District, which encompasses Orange County (O.C.) and parts of San Diego counties. She was one of the original authors of early fentanyl legislation.

Tritia Foster   


Tritia Foster is a partner at Davis Farr, LLP, a CPA firm, where she specializes in working with non-profit organizations. She has a personal interest in ending the illicit fentanyl epidemic.

Chelsie Ilar       


Chelsie Ilar is the Chief Marketing Officer at a prominent Orange County company dedicated to advancing substance abuse and mental health awareness.


Tina Burke           

Mother & Activist

Tina Burke is an Orange County mother and activist. Her 21-year-old son was poisoned with a fentanyl-laced counterfeit pill. She works diligently to raise awareness about the dangers of counterfeit pills to help others avoid similar tragedies.

Annette M. Malinowski

Newport Beach Chamber Member Service Director

Annette M. Malinowski has extensive experience in entrepreneurship, sales and community leadership. She also lost her daughter to fentanyl poisoning and works to seek justice by spreading awareness.

Scott Baugh         

Attorney & Politician

Scott Baugh served as the CA Assembly Republican Leader, Assemblyman, and Chairing the Orange County Republican Party. He founded organizations like the O.C. Marathon foundation and owns Scott Baugh & Associates

Mayor Farrah N. Khan

Mayor of Irvine

Mayor Farrah became the 23rd Mayor of Irvine in November 2020, securing the highest-ever mayoral votes. She shattered barriers as the first woman of color and Muslim woman to lead a major US city. Re-elected 

in 2022. Khan, who started in biotech, focuses on innovation, safety, climate action, and community wellness. Notably, she led COVID-19 efforts, diversity initiatives, and urban development during her tenure. Khan’s dedication is evident in her roles in education and municipal boards. She champions Irvine’s progress on a broader stage through affiliations with major city associations.

Court Crowther

Ret. Assistant Dean & Chief of Staff UC Irvine

 Court Crowther, a former Peace Corps Volunteer and experimental psychologist, retired after 21 years as a higher education administrator at UC Irvine. He enhanced graduate diversity, managed 

federal grants, and champions marginalized communities through board membership.

Gabriel Dima-Smith

Public Affairs Strategist

Orange County Power Authority

Gabriel Dima-Smith, a seasoned public affairs strategist at Orange County Power Authority, utilizes a decade’s expertise in

steering government relations. With a Public Policy degree from California State University and pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration, he’s committed to preventing tragic fentanyl-related losses following the loss of his closest friend in 2021.

Matt Markley

IT/ Cybersecurity Leader/Mentor

Matt Markley, an IT and cybersecurity veteran of 25+ years, holds a master’s in Information Systems and advanced InfoSec certifications. Beyond his tech career, he pursued his initial passion—teaching.

In 2022, he tragically lost his beloved 18 year-old, Jax, to counterfeit pills, fueling his mission to combat opioid crises, dismantle stigmas, and found Justice for Jax, focusing on empathy and analytics in this battle.


Amy Neville         

Mother & Activist

Amy Neville is a California mother whose 14-year-old son died of fentanyl poisoning from a counterfeit pill that was purchased on Snapchat. She tirelessly gives talks and testifies by sharing their story. VIDEO: Paving the Way for a Safer Future

The fentanyl crisis has emerged as one of the most pressing public health concerns in recent years, claiming countless lives and devastating communities around the world. In the face of this alarming epidemic, organizations and initiatives that strive to combat the spread of fentanyl and raise awareness about its dangers play a crucial role. Today, we delve into, an organization making its mark in the fentanyl space, and we explore our debut video, which serves as an introduction to our mission and vision.

Click the thumbnail to view the video on YouTube.

 Setting the Stage: The Fentanyl Crisis Unveiled

The video commences by providing an overview of the gravity of the fentanyl crisis, delving into statistics and personal stories that underscore the devastating impact this synthetic opioid has had on individuals, families, and communities. The narrative skillfully presents the urgency of the issue, setting the stage for the need for collaborative efforts to combat fentanyl-related harms.

 Meet An Organization with a Vision takes center stage as the video transitions to introduce the organization itself. The viewers are introduced to the organization that tackles the fentanyl crisis head-on. Its shared dedication to finding solutions is evident, instilling hope and optimism in viewers that progress can be made.

 Pillars of Action: The Multi-Faceted Approach

One of the strengths of’s debut video lies in its interpretation of the organization’s multi-faceted approach to tackling the fentanyl crisis. Some of these pillars of action are:

  • Prevention and Education: The organization emphasizes the importance of spreading awareness and providing accurate information about fentanyl, its dangers, and potential risk reduction strategies. By educating both the general public and key stakeholders, aims to empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions.
  • Policy and Advocacy: recognizes the need for policy changes and legislative action to effectively address the fentanyl crisis. By engaging with policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and other influential stakeholders, the organization aims to advocate for evidence-based policies that prioritize saving lives, public health and access to treatment.

 Call to Action: Mobilizing Change

The debut video concludes with a powerful call to action, encouraging viewers to join the fight against the fentanyl crisis. invites individuals to engage with the organization’s initiatives, volunteer their time or expertise, and support their advocacy efforts. By mobilizing a global community committed to making a difference, aims to create a future free from the devastating impact of fentanyl.

Are Fentanyl Test Strips Safe or Unsafe?

As fentanyl overdose continues to be the leading cause of death among teens in Orange County and individuals aged 18-45 in the country, there is a growing focus on implementing precautionary measures. Among these measures, Fentanyl Test Strips (FTS) have emerged.

These test strips serve as a risk mitigator, particularly due to the uneven distribution of fentanyl (FTS Legis. Analysis). This is referred to as the “chocolate chip cookie effect.” In this analogy, the cookie symbolizes the entire substance like a pill, while the chocolate chips represent grains of fentanyl.

For example, even if a portion of the substance tests negative, there remains a significant likelihood of fentanyl being present in other parts of the substance or pill. To minimize risks as much as possible, it is crucial to dissolve the entire substance and test it. 

To purchase WiseBatch Harm Reduction Fentanyl Test Strips, go to the link: WiseBatch

Fentanyl Test Strips are legal in the state of California.

Many inquire, “Is it safe to take a substance even after using a fentanyl test strip?” Ultimately, the answer is no. While it does help mitigate risks when testing the entire substance, there is still a possibility of fentanyl being present in the container it was given in or anything it has come into contact with, in addition to the 1-2% chance of the fentanyl strip failing. Even a mere 1% chance of fentanyl’s presence still poses a significant risk of overdose since only a minuscule amount equivalent to a grain of sand is enough to kill.

To purchase fentanyl test strips, click here. Be sure to check if fentanyl test strips are legal in your state.

This article includes an affiliate link.

Fentanyl & Senior Citizens: Unveiling the Alarming Reality

In recent years, the rise of illicit fentanyl has posed a significant threat to senior citizens. As we delve into the troubling facts and reasons behind this concerning issue, it becomes evident that urgent action is needed., offers an infographic and video specifically addressing the dangers faced by senior citizens in relation to fentanyl.

Fentanyl’s Grip on Senior Citizens: Eye-Opening Statistics

In 2020, over 800,000 seniors in the United States battled drug addiction, emphasizing the escalating problem of substance abuse among older individuals (Health and Human Services). The numbers continue to climb, revealing the urgency of addressing this issue head-on.

Perhaps the most shocking revelation is the staggering increase in opioid-related deaths among Americans aged 55 and above. In 1999, there were 518 reported deaths, but by 2019, that number had soared to 10,292—a figure equivalent to the annual deaths resulting from drunk driving incidents (Northwestern Median).

Tragically, nearly 80,000 individuals aged 55 to 80 lost their lives to opioid overdoses in the span of 20 years, with almost half of those fatalities occurring among people aged 55 to 64 (Northwestern Median).

The Vulnerability of Senior Citizens: Unveiling the Truth

The average age of seniors who succumb to fentanyl-related incidents is around 60, highlighting the vulnerability of this age group to the perils of fentanyl abuse (Washington Post). Additionally, among women aged 75 and above, non-Hispanic white women face the highest rates of drug overdoses, necessitating targeted interventions and support for this specific demographic (CDC).

Concerning disparities also exist among older men, particularly those aged 65-74 and 75 and over, with non-Hispanic Black men experiencing higher rates of drug overdose deaths (CDC).

Moreover, considering the growing trend of medical tourism along the West Coast, a significant number of senior citizens opt for medical tour buses to travel to Mexico in order to obtain their medications. This is primarily due to the substantial cost difference of up to 80 percent and the absence of a requirement for a doctor’s prescription. Shockingly, an investigation conducted by the LA Times revealed that several physical pharmacies located along the Baja Peninsula in Mexico are distributing pharmaceuticals that have tested positive for fentanyl — 50 percent. It is concerning that these tour companies may be unaware of the inherent risks of addiction and the potentially lethal consequences for seniors who cross the border in search of affordable medication.

The Urgent Need for Awareness and Prevention

Between 2019 and 2020, the number of adults aged 65 and older who died from fentanyl and other synthetic opioids rose by 53%, signifying the pressing need for awareness and prevention efforts (CDC).

Fentanyl overdoses among seniors can occur due to various reasons. Some may unknowingly attempt to manage chronic pain using counterfeit pills, while others might accidentally misuse legitimate medications or deliberately turn to fentanyl or counterfeit drugs for end-of-life purposes.

The Complexities of Senior Care and Mitigating Risks

Healthcare providers must prioritize screening older individuals for drug misuse, as seniors often go undiagnosed due to stereotypes that fail to align with their unique situations.

Seniors face additional risks due to increased tolerance to fentanyl and potential drug interactions resulting from multiple medications they may be taking.

Furthermore, cognitive decline among seniors can contribute to fentanyl overdoses, as memory lapses may lead to unintentional double or multiple doses.

Breaking Barriers and Seeking Solutions

Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding addiction prevents many seniors from disclosing their substance abuse issues to doctors, thereby hindering their path to recovery.

The alarming rise in fentanyl misuse among senior citizens demands our attention and support. By raising awareness, promoting proper medication management, and fostering a compassionate environment, we can address this pressing issue effectively. Remember to reach out to healthcare professionals, loved ones, or helpline services if you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse. offers valuable resources such as an informative infographic and a compelling video dedicated to safeguarding senior citizens against the perils of fentanyl.

Together, let us work towards finding a solution.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Christian’s Angelversary – July 19

On Wednesday, July 19, 2023, friends and family showed their support and comforted Tina Burke. She is one of’s board members as well as a Christian’s mom. Christian was a 21-year-old victim of fentanyl poisoning 3 years ago on July 19, 2020.

He was a senior at the University of Arizona, relishing the summer season back at home in Mission Viejo. A testament to his work ethic and determination, he understood the value of hard work and its rewards. From his

experience as a quarterback and wide receiver for his hometown teams to his devoted studies, he often witnessed the fruits of his labor.

Yet, Christian’s vibrant persona transcended his diligent nature. His presence illuminated any room, captivating others with his spirited personality. People were naturally drawn to him, enchanted by his infectious laughter and captivating smile, which exuded love and joy.

Tragically, on July 19, 2020, Christian’s life took an abrupt and devastating turn. 

He purchased and consumed a Percocet, unaware that it was a counterfeit pill containing a lethal combination of fentanyl and acetaminophen. Within moments, this beloved 21-year-old cherished son, brother, boyfriend, athlete, and college student, lost his life due to the consumption of a single fake pill.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Forever Angels Dedication

To begin October Drug Awareness Month, will post a dedication video to the loved ones lost to

fentanyl poisoning, our ‘Forever Angels’ on all social media platforms. We encourage anyone who would like an angel included in this video to submit their dedication to the form below.

Submissions must be received no later than 5:00pm September 22, 2023 to be guaranteed inclusion in the video. We will do our best to process late submissions,

but any submission after the deadline may not be able to be included in the video. We will also play the video at our Fight Fentanyl event on October 7, 2023. You do not have to be in attendance at the Fight Fentanyl event to submit for the Forever Angels Dedication–although

we encourage as many of you as we can to attend. For those interested in having their Forever Angel on a banner at our fall events in addition to the video, you can make a donation in their honor and specify your desire to have them included on the banner. This banner will be present at all official Fentanyl Solution events through 2023.

Banner Dedication

Please click the link below and choose Tribute Dedication. You can put the name of your Forever Angel write “Banner Dedication”.


Please reach out to

Grandparents’ Resilience: A Heartfelt Tribute extends a heartfelt invitation to you to watch our sincere video, a tribute to the remarkable grandparents who have made the intentional choice to raise their grandchildren following the devastating loss of their own children. This video aims to shed light on their extraordinary stories, celebrate their resilience, and showcase the boundless love they provide to the younger generation.

We also kindly request your support in sharing this touching tribute with your extended network, friends, and family. By doing so, you become a part of the effort to raise awareness of the challenges faced by these grandparents and the critical role they play in the lives of their grandchildren. Your outreach can inspire empathy and understanding, fostering a greater sense of community and support for these remarkable individuals.

The journey of these grandparents is one of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering love. In a world often marked by its fast pace and fleeting moments, they stand as beacons of stability, offering their grandchildren a secure and nurturing environment  when they need it most.

Their stories are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of familial love. As we delve deeper into their experiences, we uncover the profound impact of their choices. These grandparents have willingly embraced the role of primary caregivers, stepping into the shoes of their own children to provide stability and love. The loss of their own children, a heartbreaking tragedy, has spurred them into action, igniting a determination to ensure their grandchildren have a bright future filled with hope and opportunity.

Their resilience is a quality that shines brightly in the face of adversity. They have navigated the challenges of grief and loss, redefined their roles in their families, and embarked on a new chapter in their lives with grace and strength. The love they extend to their grandchildren is unwavering, and it is this love that becomes the foundation upon which these young lives can flourish.

We invite you to join us in celebrating these unsung heroes, these grandparents who have chosen to rewrite the narrative of their lives in order to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. Their

selflessness and determination deserve recognition, and it is through our collective support that we can shine a light on their extraordinary journeys.

In a world that often rushes past the stories of everyday heroes, we have the opportunity to amplify their voices and acknowledge their invaluable contributions. By watching, sharing, and spreading the word about their stories, we can collectively make a difference in the lives of these grandparents and the children they so lovingly nurture.

Through our heartfelt video tribute, we hope to shine a spotlight on the extraordinary grandparents who have stepped forward to raise their grandchildren after the loss of their own children. Their stories are stories of love, resilience, and hope, and they deserve to be celebrated and shared. Join us in honoring these remarkable individuals, and let us all contribute to the support and recognition they truly deserve.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!