Fentanyl Solution Team Joins Celebrate Irvine Festivities

Participating as members of the Greater Irvine Chamber of Commerce, the FentanylSolution.org team made their presence felt at the annual Celebrate Irvine Event in June. The experience left them profoundly honored to be a part of such an extraordinary gathering.

Celebrate Irvine, orchestrated by the Greater Irvine Chamber, serves as a vital conduit for recognizing the contributions of both businesses and individuals within the expansive Irvine community. By fostering a platform like Celebrate Irvine, the Greater Irvine Chamber not only celebrates achievements but also reinforces a shared commitment to ethical corporate citizenship. It stands as a testament to the values that drive a community forward, inspiring a culture of giving back and responsible engagement within the local business landscape.

Former Mrs. New Jersey and current CEO of FentanylSolution.org reminisces with Miss Irvine.

Forever Angels Dedication

To begin October Drug Awareness Month, FentanylSolution.org will post a dedication video to the loved ones lost to

fentanyl poisoning, our ‘Forever Angels’ on all social media platforms. We encourage anyone who would like an angel included in this video to submit their dedication to the form below.

Submissions must be received no later than 5:00pm September 22, 2023 to be guaranteed inclusion in the video. We will do our best to process late submissions,

but any submission after the deadline may not be able to be included in the video. We will also play the video at our Fight Fentanyl event on October 7, 2023. You do not have to be in attendance at the Fight Fentanyl event to submit for the Forever Angels Dedication–although

we encourage as many of you as we can to attend. For those interested in having their Forever Angel on a banner at our fall events in addition to the video, you can make a donation in their honor and specify your desire to have them included on the banner. This banner will be present at all official Fentanyl Solution events through 2023.

Banner Dedication

Please click the link below and choose Tribute Dedication. You can put the name of your Forever Angel write “Banner Dedication”.


Please reach out to shane@fentanylsolution.org

Craft Boxing Club Partners with FentanylSolution.org for “Fight Fentanyl” Fundraiser on October 7th


de Castellane Creative Agency

September 20, 2023, 20:05 GMT

Craft Boxing Club and FentanylSolution.org unite for a pivotal fundraiser on October 7th, addressing the escalating fentanyl crisis in America.

CALABASAS, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, September 20, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — The alarming rise of fentanyl poisonings has spurred Craft Boxing Club, owned by George Foreman III, into action. In collaboration with FentanylSolution.org, a dedicated non-profit organization focused on combating the dangers of fentanyl poisonings, the boxing gym will host


Daniel de Castellane
de Castellane Creative
+1 9494094700
email us here

“Fight Fentanyl” on October 7th. This event is dedicated to raising both awareness and crucial funds to address this urgent health crisis.

FentanylSolution.org’s mission revolves around education, awareness, and advocacy. They aim to protect individuals from the risks of fentanyl-contaminated substances and provide resources and support for those affected by the epidemic.

Fentanyl, a substance alarmingly potent, has become the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45. In 2022, California witnessed its highest number of fatalities due to fentanyl, with 6,095 lives tragically cut short. This equates to 117 Californians every week. On a national scale, the statistics are equally harrowing, with 250 deaths reported daily.

The threat of fentanyl isn’t isolated to those struggling with addiction. A significant number of counterfeit pills on the market are tainted with fentanyl, endangering unsuspecting individuals, including teenagers.

Janice M. Celeste, the President & CEO of FentanylSolution.org, remarked, “The challenge we face is monumental, but with community engagement and support, we can turn the tide. This event symbolizes our collective effort to combat this crisis.”

The “Fight Fentanyl” event at Craft Boxing Club promises to be more than just an awareness campaign. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in workout classes, savory food, and gain essential knowledge about the perils of fentanyl.

As FentanylSolution.org and Craft Boxing Club join forces to combat the fentanyl crisis, they urge the community to be a part of this vital cause. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the fight against this epidemic, helping to fund educational initiatives, advocacy efforts, and community outreach programs. – Donate Now

Event Details:
– Date: Saturday, October 7
– Time: 9 am – 1 pm
– Venue: Craft Boxing Club, 26662 Agoura Rd, Calabasas, CA 91302
– RSVP and Additional Information: Tinyurl.com/FightFentanyl
– Media Contact: Daniel de Castellane, 949 413 9131, daniel@decastellanecreative.com

Daniel de Castellane
de Castellane Creative
+1 9494094700
email us here

Joining Forces Against Fentanyl: Celebrities, Athletes, and Community Leaders Unite for a Vital Cause

The Craft Boxing Club, initially a sanctuary for fitness enthusiasts, has recently undergone a remarkable transformation. It has evolved into a significant focal point in the battle against the fentanyl crisis, an insidious synthetic opioid that surpasses heroin in potency by 50 times.

Spearheaded by the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, FentanylSolution.org, and supported by George Foreman III, the venue brought together a coalition of celebrities, athletes, and community leaders with a shared commitment to combating this lethal epidemic.

The Current Challenge

At the forefront of this event, George Foreman III, the owner of the Craft Boxing Club and the son of the legendary boxer, George Foreman, set the tone

for the gathering. He delivered a crucial message: “Fentanyl is everyone’s problem, affecting people of all

ages.” He seamlessly integrated essential education about the drug into his signature boxing class.

The Stealthy Nature of Fentanyl

Janice M. Celeste, President and CEO of FentanylSolution.org, passionately conveyed the urgency of the situation. “These are not merely harmless pills;

they are lethal traps, often unknowingly passed among friends, at social gatherings, and even within our educational institutions,” she stated.

Shane Wood, the Director of Development at FentanylSolution.org, added another critical layer to this

issue, explaining, “Alarmingly, over 75% of these deaths are purely accidental. Naloxone, an antidote for opioid overdoses, can be a lifesaver in these dire situations.”

A Rallying Cry

Erica Spiegelman, the Founder and COO of New Spirit Recovery and a key sponsor of the event, emphasized the significance of addressing the root causes of addiction. She highlighted California as ground zero for this crisis, with over 117 lives tragically lost each week due to fentanyl poisoning. Her support for the event underscored the dire need for community involvement and practical education.

NFL veterans Jarrod Bunch and Terry Robiski lent their influential voices to the cause, emphasizing the importance of collective action and community engagement in combating this crisis.

Senator Henry Stern and Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin each graciously awarded Sarah and George Foreman III, Craft Boxing Club, a Certificate of Recognition, in appreciation of their dedication to addressing the fentanyl crisis. Janice also presented a plaque on behalf of FentanylSolution.org as a token of gratitude for allowing such a powerful message to come across in such a powerful way. 

More Than Just a Boxing Class

While the attendees engaged in shadowboxing and physical exertion, the atmosphere in the room became increasingly weighty with every statistic and personal story shared. Erica Spiegelman aptly summed up the

event by saying, “We are not simply throwing punches in the air; we are fighting back against a crisis that is tearing our society apart.” The event

served as an educational platform, diligently informing attendees about the hazards of counterfeit pills, the critical importance of naloxone, and the life-saving initiatives spearheaded by FentanylSolution.org.

A Guiding Light

The “Fight Fentanyl” event stood as a testament to the power of community and collective effort. It shone as a beacon of hope, signaling that positive change is attainable when society unites against a common adversary. With influential figures like Foreman III, FentanylSolution.org, and Spiegelman leading the charge, the message was crystal clear: the battle against fentanyl is a shared responsibility, and it is a battle that we can emerge victorious from.

The Golden Globe Giveaway, Arts & Crafts for Kids, and Gourmet Charcuterie

Notably, the event featured a Golden Globe Giveaway, an arts & crafts corner for kids, and a gourmet charcuterie board sponsored by supermodel and daughter of Janice, Sessilee Lopez-Holmes, adding a touch of flair to the proceedings and underscoring the collective effort to address the fentanyl crisis.

(left) Sessilee Lopez-Holmes: Vogue cover sensation, iconic muse of Steven Meisel, redefining fashion, captured in style!

Join the Cause: Contribute Today

Your assistance can make a tangible difference in this life-saving mission. To contribute to the fight against fentanyl, we kindly urge you to consider making a donation to FentanylSolution.org. Every dollar you contribute is a vital piece of the collective puzzle in our endeavor to save lives and work towards a future free from the grasp of fentanyl’s devastation. Together, we can win this fight against fentanyl.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Wake Up! Newport with our President & CEO Janice Celeste as Special Guest

Click HERE to register!

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

November Wake Up! Newport – The Silent Tide…The Economic Impact of Fentanyl in Newport Beach

In a noteworthy initiative to address the pressing issue of the fentanyl crisis, the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce recently hosted Janice M. Celeste, the President and former CEO of our organization, as a keynote speaker at their renowned event, Wake Up! Newport. Her presentation focused on the severe impact of illicit fentanyl on the local community.

She delved into the alarming statistics, emphasizing the rising number of fentanyl-related incidents and the profound consequences it has on individuals and families. By addressing the grim reality of the crisis, Janice aimed to create awareness and inspire action within the Newport Beach community.

A crucial aspect of Janice’s presentation was the introduction of naloxone and its role in mitigating the consequences of a fentanyl overdose. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a medication that can rapidly reverse opioid overdoses.

Janice highlighted the importance of making naloxone readily available to the community and provided information on how individuals can obtain and administer this life-saving medication as our organization is a county recognized Naloxone Distribution Site. Please reach out to christine@fentanylsolution.org for free naloxone.

Janice M. Celeste passionately advocated for the inclusion of naloxone in first aid kits at home and in vehicles, emphasizing that being prepared can make a significant difference in saving lives. She informed the audience that her organization offers naloxone training to empower community members with the skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively in emergency situations

Beyond naloxone, we advocate for the efficacy of harm reduction tools in saving lives. We have collaborated with the CEO of a local Orange County fentanyl test strip manufacturing company called Wisebatch, Bryce Batcheller, to provide access to these essential tools.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Powerful Discourse on Fentanyl: Insights from State Senator Thomas J. Umberg, Judge James Gray, and Janice M. Celeste at World Affairs Council Event

In a compelling event organized by The World Affairs Council of Orange County and California State University, Fullerton, key figures convened to address the pressing issue of the fentanyl epidemic. The distinguished panel featured State Senator Thomas J. Umberg, Chair of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, and Judge James Gray, providing a comprehensive discussion on the far-reaching impact of fentanyl and effective strategies for combating it.

One of the highlights of the event was a poignant speech delivered by Janice M. Celeste, President and former CEO of our organization. Celeste shed light on the dangers of illicit fentanyl, emphasizing its indiscriminate nature that can affect anyone. She emphasized that those who believe they are immune to such risks are often the most vulnerable. Celeste’s speech resonated with the audience as she passionately discussed the need for awareness and proactive measures.

Addressing the critical role of parents in the fight against the fentanyl epidemic, Celeste provided valuable insights on how families can protect themselves. Her expertise and commitment to combating the illicit fentanyl crisis were evident throughout the event, inspiring attendees to take an active stance against this growing threat.

The event served as a platform for open dialogue and collaboration, fostering a collective understanding of the challenges posed by fentanyl. With State Senator Thomas J. Umberg, Judge James Gray, and Janice M. Celeste at the forefront, the discussions provided not only awareness but also actionable strategies to address the fentanyl epidemic at its core.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

We Take the Lead: Resource Tables Across Multiple Events for a Safer Tomorrow

Buena Park’s 67th Annual Silverado Days

At the heart of the vibrant Annual Silverado Days, a free-spirited celebration awaited families with delectable food, engaging contests, lively entertainment, thrilling games, and carnival rides. The entire community came together for three days of pure enjoyment. Amidst this festive atmosphere, our organization made a meaningful impact by showing their unwavering support to Buena Park.

Through our presence at the festival, our organization actively contributed to the community spirit, emphasizing the importance of collective well-being. In joining the festivities, we emphasized our commitment to fostering a safe and joyful environment for all.

Community Health & Resource Fair brought to you by Senator Tom Umberg and City Councilmember Ahmad Zahra

At our resource booth, our organization provided essential information and resources aimed at raising awareness about the fentanyl crisis and promoting community well-being. Engaging with attendees, we emphasized the significance of recognizing and addressing the challenges posed by illicit substances.

The event, spearheaded by influential Buena Park community leaders, served as a dynamic platform for fostering health consciousness and building connections within the community. Our active participation underscored our commitment to proactive initiatives that contribute to a healthier and more informed society.

Addressing the Fentanyl Crisis with Sen. Blakespear, DA of OC Todd Spitzer and Mayor of Mission Viejo Goodell

We took a proactive stance in addressing the fentanyl crisis by hosting a booth at the event featuring prominent figures such as Senator Catherine Blakespear, District Attorney of Orange County Todd Spitzer, and Mayor of Mission Viejo Brian Goodell.

At our booth, we engaged with attendees, providing crucial information and resources on recognizing and combatting the challenges posed by illicit fentanyl.

Our participation alongside influential leaders highlighted our organization’s dedication to fostering a united front against the fentanyl crisis in collaboration with key stakeholders in the community.

Our participation at these events actively promoted awareness about the fentanyl crisis and emphasized the importance of collective health. Our dedication, highlighted by active engagement and collaboration with influential leaders, reflects our ongoing commitment to proactive initiatives. Together, we strive to create a safer, healthier, and more informed society for the entire community.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Efforts to Combat Opioid Crisis at Orange County Events

In an earnest endeavor to combat the burgeoning opioid crisis plaguing Orange County, we hosted resource booths and provided essential tools and education at two significant events: “Addressing Opioid Crisis in Orange County” and “Addressing Public Safety in Orange County.”

Addressing Opioid Crisis in Orange County:

On January 29, 2024, Sonora Elementary School served as the backdrop for a crucial gathering of community leaders, law enforcement officials, and concerned citizens, convened under the leadership of Supervisor Katrina Foley, Costa Mesa Mayor John Stephens, and Costa Mesa Police Chief Ronald Lawrence. This event, which also drew sponsorship from OC Public Works, Newport-Mesa Unified School District, and OC Health Care Agency, aimed to confront the dire implications of the opioid crisis and strategize on effective interventions.

Central to our presence at the event was the provision of life-saving resources, including Narcan and Kloxxado nasal sprays, which can reverse opioid overdoses and potentially save lives. Additionally, FentanylSolution.org distributed fentanyl test strips, empowering individuals to detect the presence of the potent synthetic opioid in substances and prevent accidental overdoses.

Addressing Public Safety in Orange County:

Continuing its impactful engagement, FentanylSolution.org extended its reach to the “Addressing Public Safety in Orange County” event held on January 30, 2024, at Ladera Ranch Middle School. Led by Orange County Supervisor District 5, Katrina Foley, alongside Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes, and Capistrano Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Christopher Brown, the event prioritized proactive measures to enhance community safety.

While the discussions at this event encompassed a broader spectrum of public safety concerns, such as crime prevention strategies, we remained steadfast in its commitment to addressing the opioid crisis. Through its resource booth, the organization continued to provide essential naloxone kits, fentanyl test strips, and educational materials, ensuring that attendees remained informed and empowered to take action.

Our participation at both events underscored the organization’s pivotal role in mobilizing community responses to the opioid crisis. By fostering partnerships with local stakeholders and delivering tangible resources and education, we exemplified a proactive approach to tackling one of the most pressing public health challenges of our time.

Join us in our crucial mission to save lives from the fentanyl crisis and drive impactful awareness. Your donation today will make a significant difference!

Join Us for our STOMP! Experience

Come join us for an unforgettable experience at our upcoming event series, STOMP! Fentanyl Fashion Show and STOMP! VIP Launch Party!

STOMP! is intended to raise awareness and funds to combat the crisis and lower death due to fentanyl poisoning while giving our guests a night to remember.

Begin your STOMP! Journey at STOMP! VIP Launch Party for an evening of entertainment, networking, and raising awareness. Sponsored by Be Good Restaurant & Experience. Get ready to indulge in an exclusive celebration featuring thrilling performances by Freedom Aerial, Jennalyn, and Joe Sparrow. Sip on signature cocktails, mocktails, and non-alcoholic concoctions while mingling in our VIP lounge while enjoying flair bartending by Mikey D’Amato.

Next stop, the main event, STOMP! Fentanyl Fashion Show!

In collaboration with Todd Herschberg, the Founder of OCEAN, Orange County’s premier networking group, and Rogue Collective, we’re creating an evening that seamlessly blends fashion and philanthropy. This event isn’t just about style; it’s about making a real difference in the fight against fentanyl poisoning. Showcasing skilled models, designers, and hair & makeup artists hailing from across Southern California. With collections by renowned brands like Active Pear, David Swimwear, Otaon, and emerging talents, this event promises to be extraordinary. Expect to be captivated by the runway presence of film and fashion icons. And don’t forget to stay mesmerized by the flair bartending talents of TikTok sensation, Mikey D’Amato. With sponsors such as Lazy Dog, SenderOne, popl, John’s Incredible Pizza, Newport Beach Charcuterie Aftershock Festival and much much more, this is a show you definitely won’t want to overlook.

Additionally, don’t miss out on our silent auction, featuring artwork generously donated by various artists, along with an array of products and experiences. The auction will be set up in a predominant area at Rogue Collective so that our guests can look before and during the fashion show. It’s a perfect opportunity to support the cause while acquiring something special for yourself.

Take advantage of our early bird discount! 

Be part of the experience whether you attend one or both and purchase tickets here!